This Trait Predicts Future Success

If I could impart only one piece of wisdom to the next generation, it would be this: use or approach life with a feeling of empathy or compassion.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels:

In this world, where everything is rapidly changing, and, sadly, people are more and more divided, it is crucial to recall that behind the problems and obstacles there are real people. It becomes challenging to perceive the dignity of people when we judge them as ministers, priests, women, or black people. If we manage to look beyond what has been engraved into our minds about people and awaken the desire to look at the inner compass, which is the inherent good in every man, the world can change.

Empathy requires us to set an effective perception aside and try to put oneself in another’s position. It prompts one to scan the core of strangers, competitors or even foes and understand that we are all yearning for the same things in life. Compromising is not always easy, and thus, practicing compassion is not easy too, it demands a lot of effort and courage. However, I have to note that it is a purposeful path.

Loving kindness as your compass, you will find your ways of relating to others being marked with more favor, courtesy and concern. You will develop infrastructure that transcends boundaries. It will help your capacity to catalyse change or to manage conflict improve, as you will be more familiar with one motivation or story. With this specific message, you’ll be ready to embrace life, and when times get tough, you’ll handle challenges with strength and poise.

So, the implementation of compassion in one’s life does not signify failing to take accountability or turning a blind eye to oppression. Actually, there should be an ability to report an incident of wrongdoing whenever one stumbles across such a circumstance. But if you take the perspective compassion, you can do this for the purpose of education not for the purpose of expressing the power in the wrong way.One can critique an idea or concept without creating doubt in the worth of the persons advancing the idea.

Hence, following the spirit of compassion, is always good for the recipient and it has a ripple-effect on the compassionate person. It reduces the level of anxiety, systolic blood pressure and can effectively avoid the occurrence of major depressive disorder. Compassionate people make the world a happier place, free from stress and fear: self love enables the positive attributes to be displayed.


Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels:

Your future is one of high potential and high risk; the world is yours to shape or to be shaped by forces beyond your control. Old systems which have long ceased to be useful are falling. There is no precise recognition of new relations of coexistence. In order to influence this shift and sow seeds of positive change, the world requires leaders and catalysts of change who are proponents of compassion.

If people can bring values like compassions into our organizations, into our discourses, and into our spirits, I have great expectations towards the future that we will build. Yet, change is always incremental, as it is the efforts of an individual who decides to be more empathetic, courageous and caring to others. But if more of us can live up to this ethic now, it will become part of families, communities and societies, building the generations to come.

The lessons I have learned over my years are many, but this is the one I would wish imprinted on the fabric of tomorrow: But if the interests of the heart are to be followed, let it be the interest of compassion. If you turn it loose and give it liberty to develop, it will enlighten your heart and the world.

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Absolute right

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Empathy and compassion can make all the difference in a young person's life. Being empathetic and compassionate not only makes us better people, but also helps us create a more just, caring and humane world. Fostering these values in youth is everyone's responsibility: parents, educators, community leaders and society in general.

0E-8 BEE

I think the society is the way it is today because we have drifted from selflessness to selfishness, care to lack of care and empathy to apathy. Even with all these, there are still good spirited people out there who are striving to preach this gospel of love and compassion. This is all we need for a better society.

0E-8 BEE

Reading this has touched my heart. We as a society, are guilty of forgetting that people are people, just like us; with feelings, emotions and a brain.

I am guilty of this as well. It's easy to isolate the wrong that one has done you and judge them accordingly, rather than considering the circumstances surrounding their decision. We are more understanding to ourselves than to the next person.

We need to do better.
Nice piece Jessica!


0E-8 BEE

Well, no matter how much we wish for people to have compassion for others, the majority will still do otherwise… and just like you I only hope the future is better than the present


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