Rejection is an unaccepted offer


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Every one of us really want to be loved , we want to stay happy with someone that truly love us and really care about us , we really want to be with someone that will see us as the love of their life , we really want to be the reason for the smile on the face of a person , we want to be the reason why someone is feeling so excited , we want to be the reason why someone is feeling as the happiest man or happiest woman on earth..

We hate to be rejected , we do not want to be rejected by someone we cherish and love so much , getting rejected most especially from someone we love so much is something that is indeed heartbreaking , I have experienced it before , I loved the person so much but the feelings was not mutual ,they did not love me the way I loved them , or let me say they never loved me , the person kept rejecting me in the relationship and it was like I was just dating myself , quitting that relationship was one of the most difficult thing for me to do because I was scared of losing the person despite that the person rejected me, but years after I quit the relationship , I am not happy I made that decision because I now had peace of mind with myself , my self-love now increased , I now had more confidence in myself and finally I found the person that loved me for who I am , someone who always wanted me and not someone who rejects me , someone who values me and have showed me on several occasions that they really want to be with me..


Of course no one would love to be rejected , I am happy to hear that you found love again..


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No one ever wishes to get rejected because after rejection you tend to doubt yourself.
