Home-made Fruit Compote


I tell you that one of the things we must keep in mind in our lives and more so at this time, is to innovate to partially meet our needs.

Just as the industry does to sell us many of the things that we consume almost daily, among which we have juices and compotes.

It is so, taking advantage of the fact that I have a passion fruit plant at home that has produced me in a great way and that I have used its fruits for our juice, but that the shell was thrown away.

I began to think, how is it possible that I am losing part of the fruit and effort of the work.

So I took those shells, parboiled them, removed the skin, seasoned them with essences, especially with cloves and guayabita, put sugar to taste and mixed them with the blender and obtained a tasty homemade compote and the good thing about it all is that we all liked at home. In addition to having a flavor very similar to the pear compote that we buy at the grocery store.

So no more shopping, from now on we will make our own compote and without chemical additives that affect our health.
