The Tale of the Socialist Community Pool


This is a story, loosely based on a true story, about a community pool in a (former) Socialist country. It illustrates how community projects begin well and good, but quickly turn sour.

The Tale of the Socialist Community Pool

The community requested a pool for families to enjoy during the hot summer months, so the overseers tell the people "It's your civic duty to build the community a pool that everyone, including you and your family, will enjoy, whenever you want." As good Socialists, they build a pool, cost, sweat, materials, all covered by the builders and suppliers of the community. Just about everyone contributed something to the building of the pool... paint, pool toys, filtration systems, concrete, chairs. A lot of hard work and cost, but truly a community effort. Everyone feels good, as good Socialists do, that they have performed their civic duty for the greater good of the community.

When it's finished, there's a big community pool party and everyone comes to the pool and enjoys it. This is Socialism at it's finest.

Then next summer, as it begins to get hot, the overseers make an announcement: "The pool is available on weekdays, but will be closed on weekends." The community says "but we work weekdays". The overseers say "The pool is undergoing maintenance during that time, it's only available between 4 - 6 on weekdays, closed on weekends."

So long lines form every weekday at 4 pm, stretching half a mile. When the pool gates are opened, the people are carefully counted until they reach what they call "capacity" and then shut the gates. "For your safety" they say. At 6 pm a loud whistle blows and everyone is prompted to leave the pool area. "Well, it's free anyway." the people say as they return to their hot filing cabinet apartments.

A few weeks later, another public announcement: "There will now be a weekly fee required by every worker in the community to cover pool operational and maintenance costs." So as good Socialists, every worker chips in their resources every week to maintain the pool... for the greater good of the community.

Next summer, another public announcement is made: "Due to overwhelming demand after work hours, we will ration access to the pool, sign the waiting list." After many days, the community noticed that nobody is enjoying the pool, it's sitting empty and unused. Then the community begins to see that every so often, a few families are enjoying the pool, but it's no one they recognize. After a while it becomes obvious that these are the out-of-town families of the overseers.

The community is enraged, but what can they do? They begin to complain and make subtle threats. The community is put on notice: "The pool is no longer available, due to safety concerns, it will reopen soon." Soon meaning... never. "What about our fees?" The community is put on notice: "Weekly fees are mandatory for the maintenance and upkeep of the pool." For the greater good of the community.

It becomes understood very quickly that the pool is only open to the overseers and their families, as people peek through the fence and see private parties being held there all summer long. When there are no elite parties, the pool remains empty and unused.

But when the pool needs cleaning, then the community is put on notice: "It is your civic duty to clean the pool." When cracks begin forming, the community is put on notice: "It is your civic duty to repair the pool." For the greater good of the community.

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Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

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For the greater good of the community. That sounds about right! I can just see this happening and all the overseers enjoying the benefits of what the community has gotten together and built for the community. Yikes.
