My coffee story

So many years back in my country coffee wasn’t so popular as only the rich and people who travelled a lot had access to it and knew the importance of it. We had an alternative for coffee in my country and we stuck to it before coffee became rampant.

Since coffee was pretty expensive and scarce not many people bothered to take it back then until some coffee brands started producing in smaller and affordable quantities, this innovation made it easy for people in all social class to be able to buy it without breaking the bank.


Coffee circulated in my country shortly afterwards and people saw it like normal beverages and didn’t even know it was called coffee. One company that made coffee available for different classes of people was Nescafe Instant Coffee and they did a great job with their various jingles on TV.

It was during this period my family came in contact with coffee but we didn’t know it as coffee, we just called it Nescafe just like everyone else did.


My family discovered that Nescafe was actually coffee after paying a visit to my Aunt’s house. While talking and laughing with my parents my Aunt said she wanted to make coffee, she brought out a packet of Nescafe and that was when it hit us that Nescafe was also called coffee, and all this while we were actually having coffee without us knowing. My Aunt enlightened us on the importance of coffee.


My family occasionally took coffee back then and up till now, they take coffee the most during the rainy season as they think that it does wonders in their system during the rainy season and that my country is too hot to constantly take something so strong and hot. They like it steamy hot and they sip it slowly. My kid brother has a very funny way of taking his coffee, he finds it difficult to take his coffee as steamy hot as the rest of the family yet he’d take it anyways and profusely blow it with every sip.

My family also took coffee when they wanted to try a different beverage, whenever their taste bud was itchy for something different from the regular beverages we had at home they opted for coffee and anytime they took it they enjoyed it.


My love for coffee was born as a result of living with my Aunt. As long as I can remember, my Aunt and her husband always had their morning coffee, they could not skip a day without taking their coffee as it was part of their daily routine so unconsciously I started taking coffee more than I did at home.

Funny how my family took coffee occasionally and my Aunt's family took coffee regularly, but I don't know how I inclined to my Aunt's family instead of my family, but it is what it is.


My interest in coffee and the need to explore different brands and styles grew when I started working with some expatriates. I saw how they took coffee daily and were very punctual to the point where the organization allowed 45 minutes for our coffee break. So we had the normal break by noon and a coffee break in the morning.

It was nice to see other coffee lovers who did not play with their coffee breaks as it was such a big deal to them.

In conclusion, coffee was not a big part of my family life but was taken occasionally.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

0.04481947 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Thank you!

0E-8 BEE

I can relate to you and your family members referring to coffee as Nescafe and not making the connection at first.😆
Btw, your hair is nice like that. It suits you 🤗


0E-8 BEE

I can relate to you and your family members referring to coffee as Nescafe and not making the connection at first.😆

Hehehehehe that makes the two of us😄

Btw, your hair is nice like that. It suits you 🤗

Thank you so much🥰🥰

2.2E-7 BEE

The more I read about how you guys love taking coffee, I feel more endeared to it. But I still jump and pass, hehehe.

Right from time, I knew it as coffee but any other ones are tea 😅

0E-8 BEE

But I still jump and pass, hehehe.

Ohhh dearest Luchyl please don't jump and pass oooo😂😂

0E-8 BEE

It is unbelievable. I've known coffee since I was a child, of course, my country was one of the first exporters of coffee in the world, which has given us many opportunities to taste it in different ways. It's good that Nescafé is coming and everyone can drink it.

0E-8 BEE

, of course, my country was one of the first exporters of coffee in the world

Ohhh nice, says a lot about you all exposure to coffee from the onset.

0E-8 BEE

Coffee is a magical drink, I don't understand people who don't have a close connection with it, my days start with a good coffee.
That hour of rest allows you to enjoy your coffee, without rushing.

0E-8 BEE

That hour of rest allows you to enjoy your coffee, without rushing.

It sure does and nothing can beat that😊

0E-8 BEE

This was cool to read! I can imagine it is not the best in super hot weather. It is winter right now in New Zealand and I love having a coffee in the morning :) I need it these days as am super busy at work haha!:) My fathers side are Italian so they were always drinking it growing up, but I can't pinpoint when I first tired it, I was probably super young

0E-8 BEE

I can imagine it is not the best in super hot weather.

Oh yes it's not super great during the season.

Thanks for reading and for your kind words as well😃

3E-8 BEE