
We all need food to survive, and it doesn't really matter whether it's homemade or not, especially when we're overly hungry. You know, life always has a way of making us do things that we normally wouldn't want to do. For example, despite the fact that I said food is food, I know many people who always prefer to have homemade meals instead of eating out or getting a takeaway.

Living with just my dad, we had no choice most of the time but to buy food outside to eat because we were still young and didn't know how to cook, and somehow we got so used to getting food outside that we hardly saw anything wrong with it. Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, except when someone has decided to just live on buying food outside every single day to survive.

I personally didn't have a problem with eating out because if I didn't, that means my siblings and I would have to go to bed without eating. Seeing how we struggled almost every day to eat a good meal because my dad was mostly not around, I was determined to learn how to cook so we could stop relying on madam put to survive when dad was not around. My dad is a really good cook, but the problem was he hardly had the time to cook because of the nature of his work. So what I did was, there were days he would be around, and I used that opportunity to learn a few steps on how to cook.

I also had a neighbor back then who I was close with, and she was also a good cook, and I learned a few things from her. I wasn't so good at cooking, but I was really determined to learn how to. There was this particular day we were so hungry at home, and instead of us going to buy something outside, I told my siblings we should cook something instead. They were surprised because we all knew none of us had really cooked before.

I was 9 years old then, if my brain is working well, haha. We had rice at home and other ingredients, so we decided to prepare rice with palm oil. We were able to cook something edible, and that was how we started trying to make our food ourselves and not waiting until dad was around. Ever since then, I loved making my food myself because I wanted to be good at cooking, and as they say, practice makes perfect.

Well, outside of the fact that I wanted to know how to make food, one other major reason why I preferred homemade meals was that it satisfies more, no matter how small it is. Preparing my meals myself satisfies me more than going to a restaurant to get a meal. I can eat to my satisfaction and also give to others without having any worries of not being fully fed. Anyway, now that I'm a student, I've come to realize how hard it is for me to stick to homemade food, but that doesn't mean I don't prefer it.

Getting a good meal at school is a luxury, and most times I even have to starve myself until I get home and eat because, when I consider the amount I'd spend on food alone, it is more than enough to prepare something that I'd eat and even share. But since I can't starve myself all the time, I have no choice but to spend money on already made foods.

Anyway, this is one reason why I'm hoping I get a partner who can also cook, so in the future, when we have to work, it's still going to be possible for us to eat our homemade meals and save more money. Eating out will only be for fun and not for survival, and hopefully, I'd also get to teach my kids how to rely more on homemade meals than eating out.

So, even when it's so hard to make homemade food, I'd do well to try as much as I can to prepare for it by preparing a lot and keeping it in the freezer. But for now, that I'm still a student, I'm just going to make do with what I have but still try as much as I can to prepare my meals myself so as to save costs and also eat more healthy meals.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on "COOKING OR FAST FOOD".

All Images used are mine


Even though I love noodles special ramen it’s my first love but still I can stay a day without having home made food.


As a student, i can relate with having to calculate just what good food the amount spent on school-food can prepare. Plus, i really do not know how to buy cooked food outside(from roadside vendors precisely). I'd rather do snacks(junk).

There's just something satisting about making your meals yourself. I may not be big on cooking, but i like the taste of my food.

Still, in the face of so much workload, outsourcing might just be the best option. Not going by restaurants daily, but having someone make the foods in big batches so i can stock up.


Yeah and that is where having a freezer or refrigerator comes in with good power supply too. But as a student it’s hard to have these things so we just have to manage what we get.

I always prefer actual food whether homemade or not but due to how insecure these foods are outside, if I can’t get a snack I just starve instead.

But I’m a bit lucky because I have a roommate that loves cooking so all that is needed is buying enough food stuffs at home


Homemade food ensures that the food is healthy and it is cost-effective. Taking food from outside is not wrong but it may create health issues and it's not good for anyone. It's good that you learned how to cook at an early age.


Yeah, taking home made food is better in so many ways but then fast foods also come in handy too. We just need to not abuse them 😂.


Exactly, you just hit the bulls eye with your point ahaha, well your situation is actually very understandable dear, in this regard i see you had no choice but to make do with take out’s, the fact is that there is hardly hundred percent satisfaction from it, and that is why i also prefer home cooked meals, it satisfies more, i love fast foods. You have really taught yourself well my dear, i see your determination my dear, cooking at the age of 9 is quite interesting and impressive, well done dear, it was nice having to read this awesome post… see you soon YUE’R….


Learning how to cook a little has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself. And just like you, I also love fast food but I hardly get satisfied with it and that is when making my food myself comes in.

It’s a pleasure having you stop by Foxy 🥰


Ahahah, on point my dear, and you are welcome big time, see you soon


A really simple food for students is processed food from outside. Because they try to spend their life in very little cost their match life is very difficult because they try to buy good food in less money so they don't buy expensive food the notable food is maggi noodles


You’re right we just always find way to cut cost most times and not really thinking about the health benefits


It is a false dichotomy. As you highlighted correctly it is as per need for sure. And yes buying from outside always is detrimental due to both cost, as well as health issues. However one does need to buy from outside from time to time. I have seen how having an absolute rule that only home cooked food will be eaten ends up just making it more harder for women as they need to cook for all the tiffins, and all the meals of the day even if they have work for their own. It is better when people cook when they can, and eat out when they cannot, without putting any kind of virtue signal on either.

Good post @hopestylist. I appreciate your approach.
Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


This is a really beautiful contribution, I’m glad to know we both have almost similar take on this 🥰.

It’s a pleasure having you stop by my amiable Dreemer ❤️


With the current economy of Nigeria if you have 1000# you can't get something to satisfy you and coupled with the fact that most of the foods are unhygienic 🤦


I know right 🫠 and it’s really sad 🥲


Sorry to hear about the challenging situations you faced during your childhood. Eating outside is not bad provided that food will be healthy. When anyone is outside with some hard tasks then we should understand we can't arrange everything at home. I appreciate you for learning cooking skills. I'm sure you will find a partner that will be a good cooker as well.


Thank you so much for this beautiful contribution Aslamrer, it’s great pleasure having you stop by 🥰


one other major reason why I preferred homemade meals was that it satisfies more,

Babe! You finish me for here😂 If there's one thing I hate then is me eating a small quantity of food🫣

You were really determined to learn how to cook despite the fact that your dad could barely have time to teach, and I believe you will be a good cook by now because looking at the photo of your noddles alone, girl, I am drooling 🤤


Hehe, for real I feel that is the major reason why most people prefer homemade food and then the hygiene part but there are restaurants out there that are very hygienic too. But as they say better soup na money kill am 😂.

Thank you so much for stopping by ma’am 🥰


I rushed here when i heard that you’re looking for a partner who can cook, so that you wouldn’t have to be spending much on outside food when you are not able to cook…..

Wait o, that @justfavour guy, I hope he can cook o
If not, if not, if not…



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