It can certainly be difficult leaving behind the environment you're used to, certainly. And moving away from family, but it's (usually) a necessary and positive change. Thanks…
The more we start making space for things like that, the less space we have to accommodate the actual stuffs.
Very well said! This entire post is spot-on! The more attention we…
Though I don't keep empty cans, I'm definitely with you on the first two! You know what I don't understand? How people routinely throw away boxes like these from other items…
This was really moving, George. Though I would say be careful, this going about life like you're responsible for everything, especially everyone else's happiness and wellbeing…
recognizing what belongs to me emotionally and what doesn’t is my first line of defense
I really like how you phrased that! Spot on. It can be extremely easy to let ourselves…
Cute plates!
I relate to your beginning of the day a lot as it's similar to mine - I can't stand a messy kitchen and I always make my bed. For years, I thought it was just this…
It sounds like a very random reason to stop liking someone - their like (or dislike) of coffee. Like, there's always other beverages/treats that can be shared besides coffee :)…
Isn't that so often the case... the image still remains a negative/scammy one in MSM. I was kinda amused/disappointed by the portrayal, although he does become a likable…
It's always good to normalize this practice of regifting (In the West, at least, it carries something of a negative connotation which I feel is entirely unwarranted). I'm glad…
That's a very good method to ensure the things are actually used and appreciated (and it seems a good idea to be so open about it, as well, as we sometimes tend to get weird…