Here Are The Things I Consider As Important Before Taking A Step

Hello Friends, happy mid week. Blessings in everything you do this week.


Growing up i dont have much to bother because I trust mainly on the wisdom of my parents and the grown adults that stayed with us that is to say I don't have much options to make because before they come up with a plan it is left for them to think through the pros and cons of any action. As we improve in life, we get to the point of having the mind of our own which now requires us to make informed decisions and be responsible for the outcome whether it is favourable or the other way.

Making decision especially informed ones should not just be done like that, under the influence of emotion or in a hurry. Personally these I the steps I take before making decisions.

  • Is It The Right Thing

In my decision making I first consider critically if what I am about to do is the correct thing for me to do. Looking properly to be sure is not against my faith and also if it will not have negative impact on the people around me.

  • Test Off Time:

There are things before I don't I pass it through the test of time just to be sure that it is the right thing to be done. For instance, going into a new business overtime I have learnt from my own experience that most decisions I take in a hurry don't stand for long. Now I have learnt to give more time before I take a step. Most things I pass through this process do stand

  • Examine Options Available:

Before I take any decision, first I examine the possible other ways I can do a thing. I take this option especially when money is involved, is not everything one need to spend money on. So I take my time to check if I can do without spending or even spending less.

  • When To Implement It

In my decision making I make sure to consider the time to spring the decision into action this is to make sure that it will not be clashing with any other thing I have at hand.

Major Decisions

Critical decisions should not be taken in a hurry as one can run into trouble if proper care is not taken. Depending on what is at stake, In all I love to sleep over decisions for some days. Those days I take to meditate over them and ask questions critical questions in my heart. In this there is no specific time I can say I do take before making decisions. For instance, the day my husband ask me out was the day and time I accepted. Someone may say, why didn't you give some time so he will not feel.... I know what I want for myself and I know when it comes. There are times I may be confused on what to say, that's when I give some time to meditate and check within to hear what the decision should be.

There are two sides in every disappointment as I always say. There is a blessing part and there is the lesson aspect. For instance, the girl that got pregnant for another man and it was discovered a day before the wedding and the marriage called off. The man will be disappointed and he's broken because his decisions didn't go as planned but the blessings now is he was delivered from a promiscus woman who may lead him into divorce tomorrow or domestic violence. And the lesson will be to be mindful of warning signals because when it is neglected can bring trouble tomorrow.

This is how I cope with disappointments

With that knowledge that all things works together for good, I look for the good that will come out of it and the lesson. Such lesson will serve as an ingredient to me because it makes me stronger as a woman. Shoutly I will see myself bouncing back. I don't hold back to yesterday because it will prevent me from going ahead.

Thank you so much dear friends for stopping by my blog. Till we meet again. My entry to the hive learner's contest week 97 edition 2


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 191 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


This is detailed, sometimes we take good decisions but at the wrong time.


You've nailed it on the steps one need to consider before taking decision. Timing is very important that one shouldn't take it for granted. This is awesome.


Most of us believed in our parents wisdom those days but as we grow to face life..we meet different situations that requires that we take some decisions
Nice approach you have here


That I it...thanks babes, it's been some time


Yeah. If all of these things that you have outlines will be considered by anyone who wants to take a decision, I believe we will have success in life.
Thanks for sharing


Success is sure MoMA, thanks for showing up


Growing up i dont have much to bother because I trust mainly on the wisdom of my parents and the grown adults

But even now there are choices you make where you can still ask them for advice. Let's not forget there's people out there with more life experience than us that are willing advise us on these critical life decisions


Sure, gray hairs can't be bought. But as a family person with kids, I make most of my decisions trusting on the inner witness. Even when we seek for views it is not a final as we are still let to take the final step thereby being accountable for the outcome of all.

Thanks for adding your voice friend


You have clearly stated the major steps taken in every decision-making process and as always, it's best if we take our time to evaluate each of these steps anytime we are faced with making a crucial decision


Yay! 🤗
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