Shall we catch up?



After almost a month of not writing a blog, it's really time to show that I really haven't disappeared yet, and have no plans to disappear from Hive. My absence had and has completely different reasons. A lack of inspiration is a big reason for this.

My life is just not interesting enough right now that I can write a blog about it daily or even weekly. Many of my days look the same, and mainly take place in and around the house.

Spend more time with the dogs!

The bear market provides another bit that makes me prefer to spend more time with the dogs, the household and my offline hobbies. Let's be honest, it doesn't make you happy when you wake up in the morning, and you see that crypto has fallen a bit further. That also ensures that my daily income has dropped far compared to what I was earning three months ago.

Now I know of course that this was in line with expectations. Crypto, like other financial markets, has to deal with bull and bear cycles. And right now we are clearly in a bear cycle. It is what it is, I can't change it right now. It is waiting for the next bull. And yes, I can only hope it won't be too long before it comes again. I also hope that we are now at the bottom anyway, and that there will not be another deep leg down. It's been a wild ride so far, but enough is enough!

Crypto in the morning

So, back to my business. I usually check online in the morning. I am also much less present in discord. Yes, I've had times when I lived in discord, so to speak. But I also learned that this put a terrible strain on my relationship back then. I never want to experience that time again. At that time I thought that everything that happens in discord should be included, I had to keep track of every conversation. You can't, you don't have to and it even worked against me. I kind of ignored the dogs, I certainly didn't take the time to keep up with my household and only had time for my online activities of which discord took up most of my time.

Earning on autopilot

Fortunately, that is completely different nowadays. Earning has changed to 90% on autopilot. I now only blog when I really have something to say, when I like it and only BECAUSE I like it. Of course, I keep up with what others blog. Even if I'm not online much, I still read other people's blogs. Unfortunately, making comments has fallen a bit short. But this too will come back. Only I will never be online all day again. That just doesn't work, I have more things to do.

And then we're on to the next. What do I have to do then?

Well, as I mentioned before, my three dogs are of course a very important part of my daily life. So essential, in fact, that they're kind of the reason I stopped looking for a job that would require me to leave home. I don't have three dogs in my house and then leave them alone for more than 9 hours a day. And that's what would happen if I took another job with a boss. So count on my dogs spending many hours a day. All three need their attention, their walks, and their grooming of course.

The two ladies don't need that much coat care. They are both short haired dogs. That just means I have to vacuum more often. LOL. But Skipper, he is a long haired German Shepherd and yes he certainly requires a lot of grooming. Especially at this time of year. The moult is in full swing and if I don't remove the undercoat properly with a good special brush. Then he gets thick tangles in his fur that would hurt him. You certainly don't want to see that happen, so every day we sit down together to brush mister. He's not always happy with it, but what has to be done, has to be done.

I know some people appreciate reading a blog about canine issues. But honestly, I can't imagine that you look forward to reading about my dogs every day. In fact, I don't even feel like blogging about my dogs every day. And if I wanted to do that at all, it would actually include at least some newly made photos. Let that last one be something I haven't done for a long time. Scandalous? Yes, actually, but it just didn't happen. My dogs have found other pursuits outside and don't want to pose.

House maintenance

Then of course I have a household to do, and not only a household, but also maintenance of the house must be done. It is an old house with many points of interest. In recent years, we have often been unable to do much about this due to a lack of money. That is now slowly changing a bit thanks to crypto. Yes, even in this bear, I'm able to say that. And we are of course very happy with that. But it also means that I have to and will spend more time renovating our house and making it cozy. I'm quite looking forward to being able to upgrade the comfort in the house a few notches.

Before that happens, however, a lot of communication will have to be done. My partner and I think the same about many things, but in some things we are diametrically opposed. What I find comfort and would like to see here in the house, my partner often finds exaggerated ... or even totally uncomfortable. Same with the colors in the house, I am someone who likes to have some color around me. And then I also have to deal with my partner who prefers to see only clean white walls. So you see, there are still some discussions to be had before we start throwing money at it.


Another activity that takes up a lot of my time is painting. And I've certainly been working on that a lot in the past month. Because after my partner showed a few photos of paintings I had made to his colleagues at work, a question quickly arose: "Do I also make commissioned paintings?"

My partner knows me, so had already answered that I wanted to do that. And so I was commissioned to make two paintings. Both paintings for children. One painting had a dog as its subject. And the second a African Gray Parrot.

Furthermore, I knew from descriptions I had asked via email that the girl for whom the dog was to be painted is a big fan of Harry Potter. The girl for whom the parrot was to be painted was, according to the description, more of a boyish girl. She doesn't like typical girly things and she doesn't like real girl colors either.

Of course I didn't immediately have a clear idea how to start or even how it should turn out. I had received a few photos from the dog via email. And I also had a few pictures of the parrot. Otherwise I wouldn't even have known it had to be an African Gray Parrot. LOL.

But when I finally started on the paintings, the idea of ​​what it should be came to me a bit... and when I finished them, my partner made nice frames for the paintings. Teamwork makes the dream work. That's the saying, right?

The paintings were picked up last weekend and both ladies were very happy with the result and very grateful that I had wanted to do it. They had also brought gift vouchers for both my partner and me, which we were both very happy with. And we had a nice Saturday evening that looked different than most Saturday evenings.

Take on a new commission?

And with, for 99% certainty, a new assignment in the pocket. If that is 100% sure that it will continue, then I will soon be working on a new painting, and then it will be about a horse. Honestly, I would like to, and I even have ideas about how I would like to make it. Now to wait and see if my ideas of now also fit the descriptions I will ask then ...

When I do a commissioned painting, I like to know about the people for whom it is what they like, what their hobbies are and if there are things they don't like at all. I'll keep you up to date.

Time for the dogs again

For now it's time to end this blog again, the dogs are starting to crowd around me, they want to get out. It's time for their walks. And luckily the weather today is a bit better than yesterday. At least the sun is shining. And it is also a bit more pleasant in terms of temperature than during the weekend.

So, I'm off again. I'll see you all again soon... and hopefully we'll see slightly greener numbers in the markets then too!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 133 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


crypto should be just one more important activity in our lives but making sure we keep the balance with our private lives


Yup, but sometimes it´s hard to keep that balance, and then the online time is draining my energy down ... and when that happens I tend to step back for a while.


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As much as I love this place, the company of the fur friends is always a balm for my soul, that and creatives need replenishment on occasion, so as much as I am glad to see a post from you, I also completely understand the need to sometimes just be.

That said, I've missed your amazing presence and it's awesome to see a Hetty post packed full of puppers, paintings, and deep ruminatings. Hugs from this Kat to you my friend!



Hey cuddly Kat! I´ve missed you too! And so glad to see your comment here with your wonderful words.

Yeah, I am alright, but I really needed to step back for a while and take some time for myself. Not because it didn´t go well, but to prevent me from spending too much time online, especially in discord, and ignoring/neglecting all the other things I need to do.

Hope you´re doing great? Hugs back my friend!


Getting paid to make painting which you enjoy. Nice move!

Yeah I get it that you need some thinking on that this changes how make painting will be of a hobby versus putting bread on the shelf right? Stuff to consider, (but also nice to make the buck!)


Thanks Karin, and yes ... it´s great to get paid to do something you love to do anyway. But that is also something to think about. With that, the freestyling goes a bit away, you´re no longer painting for yourself but for someone else. And if they are not happy ...

It is not as relaxing as it is when I paint just because I want to ... so yeah, something to think about.
