Lion Zealer 🦁 Quest


Hello everyone,
Hope you all are good and healthy.

Last weekend was very exciting, all of thread lovers were busy and trying to beat he bosses in weekend battle. I was also in the race and trying to climb as much as I can. Fortunately by the end of the battle I was able to beat two bosses and completed two out of four quest under Weekend Battles. The 50k threads by 500 users is just awesome. My total thread count was more then 400 and that also enable me to complete the Hustler quest also which was having the prerequisite of 1000 thread and now the next is 2000 threads. Will try to complete by the mid week.

This post is a part of task in Adoption Campaign I am participating.
The task name is - Slay the Dragon
To be honest I am not a artist nor my drawings are so good but I am trying my best.

Here is my Entry

MISSION 🎯 - Lion Zealer 🦁

The main part is the Loin and his postures. He must in a postures that it should looks like that he is interacting with the LeoFinance logo and Zealy logo. I checked at many places and spend a major time in finding the main pictures. Most of the pictures I found from different sites were either closeup if loin which mainly shown the big face or the lion sitting or resting.
After spaend good time finally I found the below picture form the

The lion is standing infron of the cave and watching behind. In this posture it looks like the Lion is watching behind and giving instruction to someone. I give an thought and decided to plave both the logo behind the lion. So the seen will be - Lion standing and watching behind and taking or instruting to LeoFinance and zealy logo.

The procedure -

After choosing the main photo which has desired Lion posture I imported the picture in Polish android app.

The next step was to import the LeoFinance logo first. Used the logo after removing the background and inported in app. Placed the logo on right top corner which looks perfect space.

Next step was to import the Zealy logo and I decided to place it just below the LeoFinance logo.

Still I do not get the satification so used some filters form the app and make it more intresting. Used a number of filters and finaly come up with yhe below final image.

Hope you will like the final edited picture.

Editing Tool Used - Polish Photo Editing Android App
Images used form and
