Women and their Love for Shopping.


Hi Everyone,

Hi Hiveghana community

It's another Beautiful day.


Today I will be writing on why women love shopping so much. I chose to write on this topic because I meet a lot of women in the malls, supermarkets, shops and markets compared to the male folks which kept making me wonder why. So seeing this topic took me back to thinking about why women love shopping.

It's essential to acknowledge that not all women love shopping, as preferences vary among individuals regardless of gender. On the other hand, quite a lot of women wear the crown when it comes to shopping. However, some societal and psychological factors may contribute to why women enjoy shopping more than men.


Shopping for a woman is a natural thing.

Women naturally are being raised up and trained to keep the house running. A woman in charge of the house will know when to shop for the house and when not. They know the best things to shop for Unlike most men that hardly know the best thing to shop for, especially foodstuffs. Shopping for women is a natural thing. Women tend to love shopping themselves because they know the exact thing they want. I have a male friend that, each time i go shopping for foodstuffs he likes appreciating my effort in getting good things. He explains that each time he goes shopping for foodstuffs he comes back angry because he will get spoiled and will also be cheated. Women naturally have bargaining power. They will end up taking time to beat down prices just to get good and affordable things unlike the men that do not have the time for bargaining price of things they just buy at the price they are being told.


Shopping for a woman is a social activity

Shopping for a woman is a social activity, it allows women to spend time with friends or family members while browsing stores, trying on clothes, and sharing opinions on fashion trends. Women naturally are competitive; they're always on the watch for trends. You will see a woman getting a cloth that costs about 200k because another bought a dress for 150k. This alone makes them fulfilled. Women always love to stand out; the more reason women are mostly seen in malls shopping for things like hairs,fragrance, dresses, shoes, handbags and all other things that will help them stand out.

Shopping for women helps boost their moods.

Some women shopping is a means of boosting their mood or morale during times of sadness, boredom, or dissatisfaction. If you offend a woman and want to make up by apologizing, making purchases and acquiring new items for her can get her excited and the problem solved. Someone like me if you want to make me happy just take me shopping. The sound of shopping gets women so excited as shopping for a woman is always fun. The excitement of acquiring new things for yourself either with your money or another's money is quite incredible and exciting.

As a woman I love looking good, this alone is the reason why I love shopping, spending my money to look Beautiful and charming. And also I love Good things so I love going shopping alone to get things I like rather than send another and I tend to complain if the person I sent doesn't buy things the way I would if I were to go alone. So I love shopping by myself.

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I still remain @gloreal.


you are rightly saying that women are more aware of what to buy for the home, when and how much to buy.

And I think if a woman is in a bad mood, the only way to happy it is shopping 😅


Yes most women gets excited at the sound of shopping. And also yes women know the right thing to buy for the house and also know when to buy them.


Hahaha, I know men who are good bargainers and they love shopping a lot.To them it's a hubby but the secret is that they learned it from their mom.


I will not disagree on this but i can say out of 100 percent of men just 10 percent are good bargainers. Men have ego so most of them carry it to the market so they will not want to let it down by standing to bargain price so they just get what they want to buy without bargaining and funny enough can still get something bad still at high price😀😀


Yes they are few in number,most men feel that it is a letdown.


It's beautiful knowing the natural flow that comes with being a woman.
Thanks for sharing❤


You're right on the fact that women shop more because they mostly keep the house running.
It's also a good opportunity to make their mood better.
