Condylostylus, maybe a fusion of flies and mosquitoes?


Being a bug writer and a love letter writer, it turns out that they have the same challenges, which are just as complicated and just as fun, not as easy as turning your palm. For a one picture review I'm like a child! who are just learning to read and write.

It doesn't matter, the important thing is that I have tried, and later I will leave it to the readers.

The condylostylus bug and I met on the school grounds. At that time the children's recess had not yet sounded. Instead of being dumbfounded, I use my spare time to look for story material. Even though later it's only flies that are often posted, I will still post them too.

And it's true, one more fly that I got this time, but this time the fly is very beautiful. From its shape it is like a combination of mosquitoes and flies.

I wonder, could this animal be engineered by scientists or from a non-sex marriage?

You notice the golden yellow body like a fly and the tail that is banded like the tail of a mosquito. And what's special for me is that Condylostylus is a bit docile, not as ferocious as a house fly, he's a little reckless when I hold my smartphone close to him.

And here's the proof! He enjoys his selfie moment. He wasn't angry when I peeked through the leaves. Although at first glance this animal is the result of a collaboration between mosquitoes and flies, this animal does not adopt the bad side of flies and mosquitoes which is disgusting and annoying.

Thank you very much for your time, I hope you are always healthy and your sustenance is added, amen.
