Ideas From The Water Puddle In Front Of My House
I love the world of art and what I like the most right now is photography but this morning I have no idea to show today. I don't want my fun to stop today then I look for ideas…
I like Photography and joking
I love the world of art and what I like the most right now is photography but this morning I have no idea to show today. I don't want my fun to stop today then I look for ideas…
I like photography even though so far my status is only a connoisseur, but today I want to try to show pictures of snails that are going to rest after staying up all night.…
Hello everyone how are you? I am very grateful that I am healthy again so I have free time to write again. Maybe it is the influence of my aging age that my body can't stand the…
I often complain why in my old age I still have no bright spot, that was my feeling yesterday but after I knew the answer I could laugh to myself maybe this is the result of my…
Dulu ayah tiri saya pernah bilang kalau umur sudah 40 tahun ga sukses berarti sudah ga ada kemungkinan lagi untuk jadi orang sukses. Aku ga tau itu benar atau hanya mitos yang…
Hello everyone, how are you? Who doesn't like a clean place? Maybe only flies and cockroaches like dirty and smelly places like this. But unfortunately, most of the people around…
Halo sebelumnya dan maaf sesudahnya bukan maksud saya mengajari layaknya anak taman kanak-kanak. 1+1=2 atau 2+1=3 Itu adalah ilmu matematika yang pasti keakuratannya tapi kalau…
Sedikit malu hari ini setelah lama aku ga fokus nulis di platform ini, semoga saja ada yang masih mau baca tulisan jelek saya😉…
Aku istirahat di rumah sudah dua puluh lima hari, sungguh sebuah kenikmatan yang menguras seluruh tabungan saya karena keadaan itu pula saya harus berangkat sekarang.…
Ever heard of the little humorous sayings green beans? If I'm not mistaken although small but hard shape. Does any reader dislike the tiny but versatile green beans? Really a…