Pranks & Promises.

I felt so excited when my boss, Mrs. Tosin broke the news to me about giving birth to a baby girl. It was her second child, and I still remember how well we celebrated when she had her first child a few years ago.

"Congratulations ma, you finally equalised. It's now 1-1," I teased Mrs. Tosin.

"It is the Lord's doing, he knew what I was craving and blessed me with her. I doubt if the scoreline will ever change," she replied jokingly.

"This is not full time yet and I am sure we are celebrating another baby in a few years again," I replied, and we both laughed for some seconds.

"I don't want a story next weekend, and don't bother talking to me again if you don't attend my naming ceremony without a concrete excuse," my boss told me as we rounded up the conversation, and I knew that attending the ceremony was a must for me.

Although, it's been two years since I stopped working with her but we still have a very good relationship. I reached out to some of my colleagues at her company, and they all promised to be there, so it was an opportunity for me to meet them again.

The weekend came, and I was excited to travel for about 3 hours to her residence. Upon arriving there, I met my colleagues and was happy to see them looking hale and hearty.

We all exchanged plesantaries before I joined my boss inside her apartment. She was excited to see me, and I presented my gift first before anything else. The little angel was taking a nap, so I just checked on her from the cot and returned to my colleagues outside.

I joined her family in the preparation of the ceremony afterwards since the majority of them knew me very well. Immediately after the ceremony started, I noticed my ex-girlfriend, who was also one of her staff wasn't at the event, so I asked my boss if she didn't invite her.

"I did, but she already told me that she wouldn't be around," Mrs. Tosin replied.

My ex-girlfriend loved to party quite well, and I wondered why she didn't attend, but her absence wasn't a problem.

The event went pretty well, and it was too late for me to travel back that night, so her husband suggested I pass the night in one of the vacant rooms in their mansion, and I couldn't say no since traveling at night wasn't my thing.

Mrs. Tosin was in the general living room the next morning, and I went to say hello so we could chat before I left. We discussed about different things, and the discussion led to her asking why I ended my relationship with my ex-girlfriend.

"We ended it with a mutual understanding," I replied.

"That's not true because the last time I asked Ebunoluwa, her eyes were just filled with tears, and it's easy to tell that you broke her heart," Mrs. Tosin replied.

"That's not true. We didn't break each other's hearts," I replied and smiled.

"Imagine! You are even smiling," Mrs. Tosin reacted as the smile turned into laughter.

"You never loved that girl, and I feel bad about you dumping her," my boss added.

"I just remembered something, and the laughter had nothing to do with our conversation." I tried defending myself, but my boss wouldn't take it.

Before the relationship ended, my boss had always bragged about how she would tie her headgear for our wedding, and it must've bothered her why that beautiful relationship ended all of a sudden.

While we were having the discussion, her husband and other family members who came for the event joined us in the living room.

My boss told them how she felt jealous about me and my ex-girlfriend because we were inseparable. She emphasized how we could have become a perfect couple.

"Just let them be since it ended mutually; there must be a good reason for their decision," Mrs. Tosin's husband said to his wife.

"Dear, you can't understand because you don't know these guys. They really oppressed everyone back then," she replied.

"Hold on, let me prove something to you." My boss added as she reached for her phone and put a call across to my ex-girlfriend.

"Have you heard that George had an accident?" My boss told Ebunoluwa immediately after she picked up the call.

She screamed and started asking for details. "Where is he now? Are you with him?" Ebunoluwa asked with a shaky voice.

"He is alive but injured," my boss replied.

"Please, where is he? I am coming right away," Ebunoluwa stuttered, and I felt emotional immediately.

"I thought you traveled, or why didn't you attend my naming ceremony yesterday?" Mrs. Tosin asked.

"I will leave Abeokuta now. I am coming to Lagos right away." She replied, and everyone in the living room stared at me. They gave me this weird look and I could tell what they were all thinking.

"I was just pulling your legs. He didn't have an accident," my boss replied, and Ebunoluwa ended the call immediately.


She called me to know if it was truly a prank, and I told her that Mrs. Tosin was just joking, but she didn't believe until we did a video call and she saw that I was fine.

"She still cares about you," my boss said to me immediately the video call ended.

"I care about her too, but things can't just work out, and it's better to accept that bitter truth earlier," I replied.

"Okay, if that's the case. I respect your decision, but if life brings you guys together again, don't let her go. She is a special girl," my boss replied.

"Yes, she is indeed special, just like I am, and it would be a mistake to keep turning a blind eye to the red flag," I replied.

Iremide, Mrs. Tosin's baby, woke up, and she needed her mom's attention, which gave me a break from the discussion.

I left a few hours later and didn't stop thinking about Ebunoluwa's reaction, but it didn't change anything. The truth is that she cheated but I promised never to share the story with everyone who knew us as lovers.

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There are some things that one sees as a deal breaker in a relationship. Most people, myself included won't tolerate a cheat no matter how nice they are.

It's a good thing you maintain your stance on that.

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When people overlook it, the chances of it happening again is high and it might be at a time when there will be so much to lose emotionally.

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