Dedicate time to family

Today I received a very special visit from my nephew who is very beautiful and chubby, where I spent a good while playing with him and trying to take a picture with him, but I managed to take several shots for the moment.

After spending time with my nephew, I passed him on to my mom because I had to make preparations for my sick family member who was still at the hospital receiving treatment ....I am happy that the doctor said he was getting better and so I wish him quick recovery

Thank God for all the blessings he always gives me and for sustaining my life always.

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It is great to have time with important family members.

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Yeah sure.. thanks for stopping by

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Oh he's so adorable
you're beautiful too
my youngest sister's oldest son just had a baby boy also not much older now. Barely walking yet. Looks like your newphew a little
Glad your family member is getting better

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Thank you very much

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Thank you very much..

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I have done that..

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