||| Have You Met Our New AI Friend


The world is changing so fast from the traditional way of doing things by humans into the world of Ai, and whether we like it or not they are here.

The ever-hardworking developers on hive are doing everything possible to carry hive along into the next big thing, and this is one of the things I love about the hive.

Talking about the hardworking hive developer, Have You Met Our New AI Friend called It is a new hive project by @amr008 in it testing face.

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If you are not aware of this yet, you can check all about it here It is a ChatGPT AI, a content generator AI called mrai bot.

It was really exciting interacting with the AI, and I think we can get involved in this and put it to good use in the hive.

I think this Ai can solve the newbie problem of learning how the blockchain work. All they have to do is ask the AI any question about the hive block chain and it will provide them with answers as best as he could. Things like this can put hive in a more positive ways if use well.

Although it still has some limitations, I think there are going to be lots of improvements in subsequent editions.

Am I worried that it might take our content-creating jobs on the hive?

The answer is no, though it seems like an effective content creator it lacks the human touch in expressing itself. Which is one of the unique qualities of hive. And it cannot share our human experience except only those questions and answers already programmed inside by the developer. So, for now, I'm not worried.

Below is an example of my interaction with it.
Screenshot_20221213-205753.jpg it was fun doing this and also seeing other hivers interacting with the Ai.

The might need our assistance thought in terms of resources credit, as it might be struggling to keep on interacting with hivers due to high cost of resources credit.

So, delegating some of our unused RC might be a very helping things to do.

So, what are your thoughts about the Ai? Do you feel threatened by it?.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Semifinals - Recap of Day 1
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Quarterfinals - Recap of Day 2
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Quarterfinals - Recap of Day 1