A Pom-pom Heart For My Son


A few days ago, I was kind of feeling bored. My day activities were done earlier than usual.

You know that time, you don't have much to do and you as well do not want to spend the free time online.

I needed alone time with myself, maybe with just my brain reflecting or probably a new activity wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Music or movies were out of the equation, I don't want any form of noise and as well do not just want to be idle.

In a bid to kill time, I thought of creating this little pom-pom heart for my son.

Please, come 🤗along while I show you the process and I hope that you enjoy and love it.

I wanted to spend some time away from online, to detox my mind a bit.

I remembered that I had a roll of crochet wool somewhere in the house, so I decided to engage in something fun and simple. By creating this heart for him.


  1. Crochet wool

  2. scissors

  3. A piece of carton

creation time; 30 minutes

The Process

First, I carved out a heart shape from the piece of carton, and it looks like this. My carving does not look perfect, so please bear with me.


I rolled 100 lines of the wool around my three middle fingers as shown below. My index finger was shifted apart a little bit to make the wool not too tight on my hand.


The wool after removing it from my fingers.


I tied three lines around it to hold it together.👇


I began to cut the two sides open with my scissors.


In the end, I got this👇


I placed the heart ❤️ shape I carved earlier from the carton and began to trim along.


I continued shaping it until I got the desired result.



The final result. At first it was a bit challenging to get the V At the top of the heart, I had to be very careful not to over chop the wool.


I'm keeping it in my son's collection, I could stick it to his hat, as a matter of fact, I will be sticking it to one of his blue hat that I don't know where it is as at the time of finishing this up but I'm going to find it and put it on it.

It was done with every bit of love in my heart. At the end of the day, I had fun killing some spare time and a little cutie for my son.

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your support, do have a lovely weekend

All Images are mine, taken with my Tecno Spark 8 Premier.


I hope you’ve found the hat already,this looks very simple and I can imagine the smiles on your son’s face when he gets it.
