A Job Opportunity with Hive Stake-Based Income as Payment: Personal Assistant to Me, @freecompliments!

I have recently been creating jobs for the FreeCompliments Community, and have found HSBI as a very useful payment model. Now, I’d like to create another job, but this one is to help me out personally.

Using the HSBI (Hive Stake-Based Income) model to pay employees allows them to receive permanent income as long as they keep creating posts. This means that even if they work for only a month or so, they’ll have a lifetime income, in the form of votes, as a result of the HSBI Units they receive, provided they keep posting to Hive.

The Job

Due to my 80 hour workweeks + travel time, in addition to changes between day and night schedules, I sometimes have difficulty keeping track of certain data which I use for my posts and analysis. The job I am offering will requirement a time commitment of up to 5 minutes per day (often as little as 2 minutes per day), but it is 7 days per week, and delivery of accurate data on a timely basis is important.

I would require a daily report of the following off of my account between 8-9 p.m. EST (Eastern Standard Time), and you can use this exact format:

  1. My delegation to Ecency in HP to 3 decimal points (in parentheses, the price of Hive to 3 decimal points)

  2. My delegation to Brofi in HP to 3 decimal points (in parenthesis, the price of Bro to 3 decimal points)

  3. How much Hive I earned from Ecency (this is rewarded nightly, at 8 p.m. EST)

  4. How many Ecency Points I earned from delegation

  5. How much Bro token I have

  6. How much Hive I earned from Bro (approximately once per week)

  7. How much Hive Power I earned from posts (author rewards only, not comment benefactor awards)

  8. How much I earned in HP under the ‘Account Growth’ section on https://hivestats.io/@freecompliments

As an example, using tonight’s values:

  1. Ecency Delegation 505.733 HP ($0.320)
  2. Brofi Delegation 33,071.475 HP ($2.372)
  3. 0.137 Hive from Ecency
  4. 50.573 Ecency Points
  5. 60.168 Bro
  6. 0 Hive earned from Bro
  7. 0 HP from Post author rewards
  8. 0.170 HP from hivestats

It is essential that I have this data at the listed time above, particularly on Wednesday nights, as I write and publish my Ecency Delegation Experiment series based on the collective APY from that day. I’d offer more leeway on other days, especially the weekend, provided that some data is sent to me every day. Additionally, if you are taking days off (within reason), I’d require advance notice so that I can plan how to obtain the data myself.

The payment offer

For every week that accurate reports are provided on a timely basis, you will earn 2 HSBI Units. This comes out to a total of approximately 20-25 minutes of work per week (it might be a little bit the very first week, and then much quicker as you get the hang of it).

I am quite forgiving, so if a report comes late or there is a tiny error every so often, there is no penalty (we’re all human, after all). If I have advance notice that you’ll be away and can’t deliver reports, there is no penalty. However, if these things become very consistent, then the rewards would decrease. If there is a great deal of consistency and accuracy, extra rewards may be delivered.

Additionally, if the work is consistently excellent and timely, I may offer additional data collection, and even a little bit of calculation, for extra pay.

There is also a 5 HSBI Unit sign-on bonus if you agree to do the job for the next year. There is also an exit bonus if your work is consistently strong and you provide a 2 week advance notice of an exit.

Continuing to build Hive’s economy by adding different types of jobs

The additional creation of jobs with various structures permits the expanding use case of Hive as a payment for services, in line with Hive’s function as a medium of exchange. Creating multiple types of jobs using a similar payment system provides an initial basis for what can be considered a fair payment, thus establishing Hive as a unit of account. The more jobs are created with Hive, the more we will validate its practical value. Once this happens, we will more readily be able to establish a consistent value of assets in terms of Hive, since it will be attached to work requirements; this will establish Hive’s store of value. Combining all of these factors will turn Hive into functional money.

An economy must be built upon functional money. This is why we must take steps to ensure that Hive can, indeed, function as intended. Let’s continue creating different types of jobs and establish Hive’s practical value with practical use cases.


This time, I am posting a job position to personally help me. It will help continue the validation of Hive and HBD as valid forms of money, and bring value to the Hive economy.

Credit to LeoGlossary for the following links: 1 2 3 4 5

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!


Para postular como hago


I'm on Discord (also @freecompliments), so find me there!

If you can't find me directly, then you can go through the link at the bottom of the post, which goes to the FreeCompliments Community Discord.


This is excellent. I will be following your progress with this carefully and really hope you get someone long-term and reliable. If others did the same, perhaps it could be a real long term income for the right person.

Best wishes and every success :-)


Appreciate that very much, Nathen! 😊

If you know anyone who would be interested, please do share it with them.


I copy all the info you list above and more daily using a series of Applescripts that I've written over the years and a combination of Keyboard Maestro and regular expressions to rip the data I need from websites. In the morning I trigger a master script and it runs through all of them, flipping through webpages (such as hivestats), copying what it needs, then pasting it into my spreadsheet.

This is all built from the ground up over the past few years, so I'm not sure I could easily share it with anyone. Plus, Applescript, so it only works on a Mac. But if you can't find anyone to do this for you manually, maybe I could offer some scripting help to automate it.


This is excellent. In fact, if someone automated this entire job, then they'd still earn the same payment because that's efficient and worthy of the effort.

I will definitely let you know about this, as there are some people interested in manually doing this. I have Windows so the scripts wouldn't be compatible with my device, but if a report/spreadsheet could be created out of those, that would be ideal.



I was all over this until you needed it for 8-9 pm Eastern Time. That would be around 2 am GMT, unfortunately my time.


Yes, the timing is pretty specific and I understand it precludes some people from the job offering. There will be other jobs, however! 😊 This one just happens to rely on specific timing.



Here is some Python code that should work or at least get you close :)

from beem import Hive
from beem.account import Account
import requests
import datetime
from pytz import timezone

Connect to a Hive node

hive = Hive()

Account name

account_name = 'your_account_name'

Get current date and time in EST

est = timezone('EST')
now = datetime.datetime.now(est)

Check if the current time is between 8-9 p.m. EST

if now.hour == 20:
# Retrieve Hive price from a market API (CoinGecko)
hive_price = requests.get('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=hive&vs_currencies=usd').json()['hive']['usd']

# Retrieve account details
account = Account(account_name, hive)

# Retrieve delegation to Ecency
ecency_delegation = account.get_vesting_delegations(to_account='ecency')

# Retrieve delegation to Brofi
brofi_delegation = account.get_vesting_delegations(to_account='brofi')

# Retrieve Hive earned from Ecency
hive_earned_ecency = account.history_reverse(filter_by='claim_reward')

# Retrieve Ecency Points earned from delegation
ecency_points_earned = account.get_ecency_points()

# Retrieve Bro token balance
bro_balance = account.get_balances()['bro']

# Retrieve Hive earned from Bro
hive_earned_bro = account.get_hive_from_token('bro')

# Retrieve Hive Power earned from posts
hive_power_earned = account.get_author_rewards()

# Retrieve HP earned from Account Growth
hive_earned_growth = requests.get('https://hivestats.io/api/accountgrowth/freecompliments').json()['growthData'][0]['hive']

# Format the report
report = f"""
Daily Report for {account_name} - {now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}

Delegation to Ecency: {ecency_delegation:.3f} HP (${hive_price:.3f})
Delegation to Brofi: {brofi_delegation:.3f} HP (${hive_price:.3f})
Hive earned from Ecency: {hive_earned_ecency:.3f} HIVE
Ecency Points earned from delegation: {ecency_points_earned:.3f} POINTS
Bro token balance: {bro_balance:.3f} BRO
Hive earned from Bro: {hive_earned_bro:.3f} HIVE
Hive Power earned from posts: {hive_power_earned:.3f} HP
HP earned from Account Growth: {hive_earned_growth:.3f} HP

# Save the report to a file
with open('daily_report.txt', 'w') as file:

print("Daily report generated successfully!")

print("It's not the specified time to generate the report.")


Replace ‘your_account_name’ with your actual name, and install been and requests libraries using:

  • pip install beem
  • pip install requests

This is quite amazing! The only issue for me (personally) is that I don't have a clue what to do with this code. 😅 I've never used Python before.


Fair enough :)

I’ve been having a hard time installing the beem library on my work computer (only computer I have). It seems I have root locations for two versions of the IDE and half of my pip installs go to one version or the other’s root directory, woo woo woo, probably all sounds like a bunch of whatever hahaha - let me see if I can find a way to clean up my python IDEs and get the library over to the right place and I will test it. If it works out, I can give you step by step instructions how to run the code yourself. And if someone else beats me to the punch in the meantime, works out for you and I’m cool with it too :)


This would be very interesting!

On the other hand, for mutual benefit, if you send me these reports every day (or every few days), then I'd pay you in HSBI the same as if it wasn't automated. How's that for a deal? 😁


If I can get it working from my work PC, I can cover weekdays, no problem. But if you find someone willing to do it before I can get it working, you owe me no explanation :)


I'll definitely let you know!

And weekend data should be fine if delivered on Monday. I typically make these posts on Thursdays, so those are arguably the least time-sensitive data points.


Cool man, we’ll I definitely dig what you’re doing and want to contribute if I’m able! I’ll let you know what I come up with :)
