The Case For Broad Tokens and WHY NEW USERS Should Use Them!


On Hive you have the option to post content into different communities, or tribes, where you can earn extra tokens on the Hive-engine (Hive sidechain). You have many of them for specific communities like cannabis, food, or communities that focus on cryptocurrency, like LeoFinance. Yet, ones that don't get nearly as much appreciation are the broad tokens on Hive.

You generally have your more popular broad tokens like WAIV and POB (Proof of Brain), and then you have your other less popular ones with a strong community like CENT and BHT (Broad Hive Tokens). Why are these important?

It's quite simple really, not many people want to post content in specific communities, or follow the same subjects and rules, so they'll post random things like images of their pets or of nature using these broad tokens. If you think of it simply, even the main 'token' we use for Hive, HIVE, is technically also a "broad token". Hive is a community for just about anybody and ALL of your posts gives you the option to accept Hive (Hive Power) or Hive Backed Dollars. The success of Hive, even though it's the main cryptocurrency for this blockchain, couldn't be any clearer.

Broad tokens do have a market. Broad tokens do have a user base. Broad tokens are being utilized. Hive is one of those 'tokens', or technically the coin, that we use to bring more awareness to posts we like. So why not use these other alternative tokens and take them seriously?

The tokens have somewhat of an advantage over Hive proper by allowing the creators to set parameters for them that would allow you to earn more or earn your tokens earlier. For example, Hive takes an entire week for you to get a payout on your content, however, BlogToken takes 24 hours. Another advantage is that Hive Tokens typically have no minimum to earn like Hive proper does. You can post a simple post as a new user with no special help from whales and still be able to obtain a fraction of a full token without being restricted by a threshold. Thus giving you an attachment to a particular token.

With me, this is how I was able to grow quite well. Even though the community I went into wasn't a broad token, I was able to grow with the Weedcash community here on Hive. Broad tokens are sometimes overlooked but they are far more important for the chain than people realize. If the main Hive coin allows for broad content, why do people not take broad tokens as seriously? What do you think is the reason for this?

If you haven't tried broad tokens as a newer user, then I recommend you should try it out.
