So yesterday we were having like a round table talk and this guy was so serious about his strategies to jakpa (a term in my country which means traveling out to western countries) were he can find other greener pastures, good paying job , one that rewards your labour per hour, we all seem to have the same idea, I've already mapped out my concept in my mind only waiting for the right time for everything to fall in place.

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I cannot phantom what is going on anymore, everyday you wake up to an increase in price of every little thing including the least sachet water that has now added price, not to talk of refilling your cooking gas, of which one kg now goes for ₦1,200 or ₦1,300 depending on your location, the cost of food items in the market, cost of transportation, all triggered by the continuous increase in price of $Dollar as against the naira, cost of fuel or pms, equally as a country that rely heavily on export of crude oil so any slight change in the price of it will heavily affect the economy, making me recall what my teacher and lecturer taught me in economics about elasticity.

Well I'm a Nigerian living in @Nigeria, I mean every normal Nigerian would not be surprised at the new waves of things, cause we have never got it better in this country, one leader after another comes in does what he could loots and squander how much he could, borrowing and leaves the office with load of huge debt for the next administration to carry on, I'm not sure how much we have in our foreign reserve, it's almost like our treasury is empty and so we need to borrow more funds to run the economy as in a recent press release I saw on TV of Mr President saying there is no money to run the country that his predecessor left him with huge debt to inherit.

I don't even want to talk about our political scenerios and the politicians trust me that's messed up already, of course in Here we can't even do protest cause if you try it , that's at your own detriment, the last time a few folks tried it at Lekki toll gate in Lagos they were murdered in cold blood on a peaceful protest about the endsars way back in 2020, till today no justice for those fallen citizens, they died holding the very country's flag they call their own,

Our economy now is in jeopardy everything fallen apart, I just pray the worst shouldn't happen, just last week the Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC), Acedemic Staff Union Of University(ASUU) & Trade union Congress(TUC) have all embark on an indefinite industrial action (strike) here in Nigeria this is like a yearly routine that had never got resolve since it began in 2000, these are labour union in the country, year In after year the government keeps on promising them of a raise according to their ply but that is all a joke so they keep on embarking on strike to seek resolution to the matter

The cost of living is constantly on the rise every day the price of goods and services in the country keeps increasing. But the truth is there is no matching revenue or increase in the salary of workers whether in public or private sector so now you're spending more on same thing but getting very little of what you purchase, life is very hard especially for those dwelling in the rural region of the country, hope of the common man is no were to be found only pray that things get better.

That's why many of our young boys now seeking all possible way to jakpa as my friend earlier said, maany of them stranded on the high seas, desert, cargo ships just because the country they got to know has Thiers do not really care about their means of survival so they're willing to take the risk amd seek greener pastures else were



I think it’s very frustrating to see the price increases for all things across the board - most of it isn’t necessary at all. Goods are getting cheaper to produce by the week and this is sadly manipulation of the markets and monetary system in my opinion. The best we can do is keep working and doing what we can to improve ourselves, so keep at it!
