IT’s A WEEK OFF HIVE: Damn How Come?...😳💁


I never knew how attached I was to hive until recently I lost my access keys when I switched device to a new one, I mistakenly formatted my old device apps, settings passwords everything was gone, I had tried putting everything on my keychain app but my old device wasn’t compatible with the app so I just stored them on my phone

I was so devastated I literally lost weight in a week, I’ve tried all means and all I can to recover my k us but to no avail, all that was on my mind was have I lost my account? The account took me roughly three years to build , I never wanted to loose it or anything like that more over I’m someone that loves being with one original, one accounts that holds everything i represent, I hate multiple accounts and I couldn’t entertain the thought of going over to create another, at this point nothin is as making sense to me, of course I was mourning my loss.

How can I go for days without posting on hive, most times it’s either I’m so busy doing other engagements off hive that I get also bring funds apart from that naturally it’s my addiction and my strength blogging on hive or other platforms, hive has so become a part of me that I shouldn’t stay a day without going on it, the reason about this is simple I’ve come to believe in this project of the future so much I’m going to build my life long ambition on it

Hive represent the very thing I’ve always wanted since I discovered my writing prowess and creativeness with words,
I had been unstable on hive this year Due to different play out of event, so I had to i started my hive goal pretty late from September till the end of the year not to miss out a day out, when I lost my access keys i felt so bad about it.

Just when I lost hope on everything after I contacted my mentor and told him about it after a day he got back to me and said he couldn’t get the keys for me that’s when I totally lost it so I gave up hoping to get back my account and let it all go, after the fourth day I woke up to the good news my keys had been sent to me I couldn’t contain my joy alas there is hope

So started setting it up with other passwords and loggings, I’m most grateful To God that I hadn’t lost my account and I could still come back home to were I belong

I just realized that #Zealcampaign just kicked off and I’ve been waiting for this moment thanked my stars my account just got back on at the right time so I’m jumping in right away



Wow, that must have been a lot. I am glad you were able to get your keys back and you are finally back on hive. Welcome back!


That’s certainly a difficult lesson but an important one to undergo. I’m hoping that you’ve learned to back up your keys and write down at least the active and posting key or the owner key to recover the account if you lose the others.

Also - do NOT ever store your keys in a cloud service like go**gle. The keys are not at all safe there and will eventually be stolen. There are numerous people here on hive that have reported their cloud storage for keys was compromised and they lost their hive account. Just keep that in mind!


I should be able to get hive keychain on my new device ... thanks
