Too Deep Of A Hole?
I'll be the first to admit I am the sort of person who reads a lot of headlines, but doesn't ever get around to reading the…
El arte y la ciencia de llevar bienestar a todos, reafirmar amistades y crear consciencia. Médico Cirujano venezolano; Columnista de @holos-lotus
I'll be the first to admit I am the sort of person who reads a lot of headlines, but doesn't ever get around to reading the…
Hello everybody! 😊 How are you doing? I will be a little quiet over here during this week. I have a friend (@nane-qts) over from Australia…
Here we are with the winners of the week 400 of our really thirsty #BeerSaturday Challenge. Everybody who joins our weekly challenge is a winner as this means fun and a…
A comunidade brasileira Hive-BR está promovendo um concurso de fotos, e todos podem participar! Procure pelo post de anúncio na conta da comunidade…
What's up plebs?! Back with another silver coin post! I pulled a random one out of the stack with the ones I have yet to blog about: This one is one of my…
I'd like to start today's post with a video: So, the bizarre creature you just witnessed is commonly known as the headless chicken fish or the headless chicken monster. It…
So it was valentine's day a few days back and wife surprised me with some stuff and along them was more of those silly stuff she occasionally gets me from Temu. Among them, two…
Literally! .. ... .... of! So this is something fun I learnt today. Turns out the tissue inside your nose that expands and makes it feel stuffed when sick or whatever is…
One of the stories my mother has always shared with me is about the difficulties of her childhood. Back then, things were difficult, and through what she experienced, I can…