The Enthusiasm in making money


It has become increasingly common for people to aspire to making money in their lives. However, there is something noticeably different about the way we talk about making money these days.

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We seem to be filled with a lot more enthusiasm and excitement about it than ever before. This might be because we are living in a society where more and more people are becoming financially independent.

In addition to that as well, the internet has made it easier than ever for us to make money. There are now so many different ways to make money that it is hard to decide which one is right for you.

There's something about making money that seems to make people really happy. It is like the feeling of hitting the jackpot which have been long targeted before and is not hard to understand why.

Money is a powerful source that can help us buy things we want, make life more comfortable and help us save for the future.

Some people are really excited about making money because it makes them feel powerful where they can control their finances and feel like they are in charge of their life.

We also have people who are more cautious about making money because they don't want to get into any financial problems. They feel like they are always one financial disaster away from disaster.

Their worries is always about how they are going to pay their bills, how they are going to afford their lifestyle and how they are going to save for the future.

Still we have people that are neutral about making money and this type of people doesn't really care either way, instead they are happy with what they have and they are not particularly bothered by making or not making money.

The important thing is to understand your personality, so you can make money that is right for you. If you're really excited about making money, then it is advisable to go for it.

Some people think that if they make a lot of money, they will be happy, which is not always the case. In fact, many people who make a lot of money end up feeling stress and pressure. They may work all the time and never have any time for themselves.

If you're happy with your current income, then you're doing great. If you want to make more money, then you need to find a way to enjoy your life and put all your focus into your career.

There are many reasons why people get so enthusiastic when it comes to making money. Maybe they have a burning desire to be financially independent or they just love the thrill of the chase.

Regardless of the reason, it's important to be realistic about what it will take to make money in a genuine and reliable way in other to live a better life.


Great post! Each of us has to decide their value and principles about money and see if it fits with the life they want to live. I personally have a burning desire to be financially independent.


We all wish to have the desire to be financially independent and to achieve that we need towards securing it to make it happen.


making money is compare to cocaine in terms of the amount of dopamine the body creates, this doesnt happens to everyone but usually thats the way it goes, ppl get addicted to the feeling and its dangerous, then probably the reason ppl who dont care much about money dont get that sensation and can manage the situation better, not that im old old but im at a point in my life that money is important but for the future not for now, thx for sharing ✌️


Money is really important since it is part of our living and we definitely can't do without it.


The advice to not let money control every aspect of your life and decision-making may hold some merit. Money is extremely essential because it gives you opportunities to live a better life that you choose and puts you in charge.


It importance helps on a daily basis and as humans we live to benefit from having money to survive.
