elcholitosantolast weekHi, it's like hunting a lion or a tiger in the jungle, nice game my…00 00E-8 BEE
elcholitosantolast weekHi, "Redwyrm Dragon" with "flying", "immunity" and "stun", nice game my…00 00E-8 BEE
elcholitosantolast weekHi, I like "Fizbo The Fabulous" with "tank heal" and "Shroud of Reflection Shield", nice game my…00 00E-8 BEE
elcholitosanto2 weeks agoHi, it's great to have other stablecoins on the market, but I hope USDT will overcome this problem in the EU, nice post my…00 00E-8 BEE
elcholitosanto2 weeks agoHi, I like "Thanalorian Blade" with "opportunity" and "lookout", nice game my…00 10E-8 BEE
elcholitosanto3 weeks agoHi, I like "Cursed Windeku" with "thorns" and "heal" in "Up Close and Personal", nice game my…10 06.6E-7 BEE
elcholitosanto3 weeks agoHi, I like "Ulfga the Blighted" with "Poison Burst", nice post my…00 10E-8 BEE