
Hi Everyone! It's the weekly featured contents for Week 112:- Edition 03:-.And the topic given out to be discussed is "We Need Balance."

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We Need Balance

Balancing one's self is literally the best thing one can ever do for oneself. Because if you don't care for yourself enough to balance yourself, trust me, there's literally no one who's going to do that for you.

Getting a sense of balance in life is not easy at all, but trust me, it's really needed for one to do just that.

Prioritizing oneself is the best thing that one can ever do for oneself. I used to be in that situation of always putting myself last and always putting others first.

But with time, I literally sat myself down, took a deep breath, and discussed with myself, and then I was like, Aren't you doing too much for people and putting your own at the end?

And then I was like, If anything happens to you right now,many of them will never consider the fact that you were only trying to put there own needs before yours.

Rather, they might end up saying stuff like,Who sent you too? Abi, who said you shouldn't make yourself a priority? And some of them will even go to the extreme length of saying you were trying to just do eye service.

And from that very day on, I came up with some tips that have really been helpful to me.

And has really kept me going and has brought me really far. And I got to adapt to the system over time. And I feel it has really helped me achieve a sense of balance and wellbeing.

Some strategies that have helped me find a sense of balance and wellbeing in my life are:

1. Prioritizing self-care: making time for things that make me happy and help nourish my body and mind.

Like listening to good music, healthy eating, meditations about what I really want to achieve and what I really want for myself, not placing other people's lives before mine,etc.

2. Setting boundaries: Learning to say no to things that don't align with my priorities and values, and not overcommitting myself to things that aren't really worth the time.

3. Time management: Being mindful of how I spend my time and also always trying to set goals for myself and deadlines for the tasks before me.

4. Seeking support: Surrounding myself with a strong support system of friends, family, and professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement.

5. Mindfulness: I'm literally still battling with this aspect of my life, but trust me, I'm practicing mindfulness rather than getting caught up in worries about the past or future.

And trust me when I say that these lifestyle choices have really been helpful to me so far and have really helped me maintain a sense of balance and wellbeing.

And one thing I'm sure of is that, in the long term, if I continue to prioritize them and make them a consistent part of my daily routine, I'm definitely going to achieve the goals I set before me as tasks to accomplish.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope you've had lots of amazing moments in this community and have learned lots of lessons from it's weekly prompt.

N.B.: All images used in this post are mine. It was designed using Canva.


You made no mistakes with the points you made. Striking a balance may not be so wasy as there might pop-up things tgat will disrupt the normal order of things, but, sprting out priorities makes it all a little easy to navigate through the hurdles.


It can sometimes be hard to deal with.
Thank you for stopping by and contributing to the fullest.
It's really nice to meet you ❤️


You know the world is something else now. People can show ungratefulness to that big sacrifice you decided to do for them and that's the more reason why we need to pay attention to our ownself more frequently than others wellbeing. You highlighted great points to consider in other to achieve this balance, it's not easy but a better life requires the balancing things at every point..


It happens sometimes
That's a valid point I agree with 😊.

Yes it sure does... thank you for the compliment.
And it's nice to have you here
