Dream big and dare to fail


One thing most people dread is failure. There's always the "what if" thoughts each time we're about to take up a big step. Society has made perfection a thing of honor that people fear to record failure. I always thought failure was for the unintelligent people, those who couldn't break through to success. I carried this ideology for too long not knowing how much hard it was doing to me. I refrained from dreaming big or trying new things, my thoughts were "what if I fail?, So people would see me as unintelligent" not knowing what makes us human is our imperfections thus the statement "we are only human"

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It was hard trying to reprogram my thoughts about failure but then I realized I was stagnant. While those I felt were the actual failures grew, there I was still in the position that I had been. One regret my grandma still have till today was not trying to learn English language because she assumed people will laugh at her if she got it wrong whenever she saw people her age mate at that time who didn't care about people's reactions speaking English -this she always told us whenever we hears an elderly person speaking English.

Dream big and dare to fail. Failure is just another way in which your goals can't be achieved. The more we fail, the closer we get to the answer. This I realized when I failed a couple of times, it became a push for me to learn. failure on its own is a motivation to study harder and a bridge to success. Our dream may seem big, too big to be accomplished, but dare to fail and keep failing until you've achieved this goal. If we can embrace failure with a smile and an open heart to learn, then there's nothing that we can't achieve. Dare to fail, that's the gateway to true success.
