Who is responsible for what we teach our children


We are in the computer age, where kids learn so fast. The understanding of some kids is amazing because they grab things easily. That is why, as a parent, you must lead by example. You must advise them on things to do and things they shouldn't do, and you must also do the things you say they should do and not the other way around.

Raising a child in today's world can be challenging. Parents face the difficulty of raising their children and being influenced by various factors, such as internet celebrities, television shows, teachers, and friends.

Some parents rely on schools to educate their children, which can have both positive and negative impacts. While schools provide a structured learning environment, without parental supervision, children can be exposed to inappropriate topics. I was watching a YouTube shorts where a parent argued with their child's class teacher over the inclusion of transgender flags in the classroom without the parent's consent.

Some children prioritize having a mentor or celebrity role model over caring about their schoolmates or their school teachers. Celebrity influence can be harmful as they are humans and can change over time. If children blindly follow them, they may end up adopting negative habits like drug addiction. Therefore, it is essential to educate and guide our children to avoid blindly following anyone and understand the consequences of their actions.

The Internet can have a crazy impact on both adults, and children, and it's a place we must be careful about allowing our kids to access. It is a very addictive nature and with repetitive content, it has the potential to change our thinking over time, regardless of our initial beliefs. As humans, we're all vulnerable to its influence.

Who is responsible

The question for today is who is responsible for what we teach our children. Is the celebrity on the television, their class teacher, or even their peers? These days, parent influence on their children is decreasing every day. The funniest part about everything is that when you restrict your children on some of these bad things that can influence their lives, people will call you crazy, and they will say you are depriving your children of the modern world.

As parents, we must take responsibility for guiding our children and setting a positive example. By doing so, we can become their trusted confidants and ensure they feel comfortable coming to us with anything they're experiencing or considering. It's important to remember that our children are influenced not only by us but by their friends and teachers as well and that we must be vigilant in protecting them in a world that is very crazy.

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Children are more easily influenced by the information they consumed and social media is a giant programming machine. Without a proper foundation for determining what's right or wrong, children may develop inappropriate beliefs or values. Definitely have to choose our role models wisely in this modern world.


Parenting has become increasingly challenging in modern times as children are susceptible to various external factors. It's crucial for us to remain the primary influence in their lives and set a positive example as parents.


I agree. Parents have to be the role models of their children, cultivating the values and principles that they can use as a foundation when they become adults.


In as much as technology advancement can help our children to learn a lot of positive stuff, we as parents still need to regulate the use so that it will not cause something harmful to them


Technology has a good side and also a bad side, but we must be able to regulate and guide our children in the best ways to use it to help them grow, to become the leaders of tomorrow, and not to destroy them.


I think this information ought to be documented in a book because one of the greatest challenge parents are having is training up a child. They don't want to hurt the child's felling and they don't want to the child to be influenced by environmental factors. They just want to be in the middle to get balance of everything. But it's not suppose to be so. Children are very fast in picking up environmental influence than school education.

Parents also fail to recognized that educational institution doesn't play 100% role in shaping the child. Thanks for sharing.


Environmental influences happen every day. We are seeing it, we are feeling it, and we are hearing it every second of life. We must guide our children from these external factors, not destroy them.


Thanks for the value, brilliantly communicated. All of these factors of influence you have mentioned are the foundation of a bad nation and good nation.

It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. I guess some people needs parent education. The formula I know is "Love". Maybe I should clarify myself. loving your children involves so much more than feeling and affection. Love is giving them your time, your attention, helping them to regulate their emotions, and allowing them to develop valued relationship outside the home. Curbing your children from the internet and friendship is a crime that you're yet to know.

Your work as a parent is to activate consciousness and sensitivity

Every man is born with a reality, this reality reveal itself directly to the rate of growth. The one and only factor that shapes the initial reality is "influence". Influence will always be in form of bad and good. So, your only work as a parent is to activate the child's consciousness. Consciousness bring the sense of discernment. What does this tells you?curbing your child from internet or friendship isn't the solution. The solution is letting them understand their real self by the direction of consciousness.


Most parents love their children. Not most parents listen to their children. Sometimes, when things are about to go wrong in a child's life, they do say it, maybe by playing but we choose to ignore it. Children are susceptible, we must give them all our attention.


and you must also do the things you say they should do and not the other way around.

I think this can cause a conflict between both children and parents as when you give out advice and you’re not following them yourself you’re giving them(kids) room to question why they themselves should do the same. Children picks up a lot of things from their parents while growing up and it’s why it’s important to not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.

Because if they don’t then it’s easy for their kids to get sucked by the modern world’s propagandas, dogmas and doctrines that might be detrimental to their well being.
Thanks for sharing this great piece.


Being a perfect leader is crucial, especially when we have children who look up to us and emulate our behavior. Mere advice may not suffice, we need to walk the talk to set a good example for them to follow, and prevent them from going astray.


Very urgent topic. Indeed training up a child is one of the greatest challenges that we, parents, have. My personal constant headache... Let me share Hive !PIZZA with you, and !DHEDGE as an extra to the post.



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In all, sincerely, in today computer age, the parents need to do better if they don't want to lose their kids to the world. They have to live by example to the kids. This is not the era of just telling the kids what to discipline or correction. The kids pick whether they see their parents doing even if the parents have told otherwise.

The Internet, society norms and other social vices that we have in our society is so pervasive and having negative effect on the kids. Many of them copy what they see on the internet, their dressing, and all are testament to what they see on the internet.

The parents have a lot to do in shaping their kids future. Nobody will ever train your children like yourself. The parents have more influence than any other entity on their kids particularly when the kids is not of age yet. It is what the parents teach and do with them that will keep the kids going in later in the future. They will certainly see their parent as their role model and mentor. Most parents lose their role on the kids when they can provide for their children welfare and need at the early stage in life.


I think the parents are in charge but society has been rough. A lot of people just toss the education to the schools and not all of them will teach things the way you would like them to. Social media also doesn't help because of the type of content that is viral. I don't think it really teaches them to be that great and I worry a bit for the future.
