Beauty Standards Of The 21st Century


2 weeks ago I wrote a post on 50 shades of why it was okay to use make up in pageants as opposed to steroids in athletics. I also defined my standing on the use of make up at all, which was that I don’t really fancy them.

This week, I’m talking about how make up has come to shift the reality of beauty or how it is perceived.

Beauty is defined based on a lot of things, especially physical appearance. And even that takes a lot of forms, pretty face, slim body, muscular builds, you name it. But right now, society has created these advanced and quite honestly unrealistic expectations of what beautiful people should like. This is has resulted in people pursuing varying methods to fit the beauty standards of society.

Make Up

I believe this unconventional beauty standards is what makes the make up industry one of the most thriving ones in the last decade.

This one particularly applies to women. I’m not sure if men use if men use make up too, but I’m positive that even if we do, it’s relatively milder and less common compared to women.

A lot of women these days don’t feel comfortable in their own skins anymore. To the extent that even natural things like normal pimples or rashes on their faces hit their self esteem and self worth greatly. So they result to the concealers and what nots to hide the “imperfections”

In the case of men, what you notice in attempts to achieve the beauty standards of society is unusual gym behavior, or in worse cases, steroids. We’ve been brainwashed into believing that having a normal build or bean lean is a crime. So even people whose genetics have clearly hinted that bulking is not for them relentlessly pursue it through alternative (and mostly harmful ones)

Plastic Surgery

Considering the permanency of steroids and the side effects (or should I just say effects) in the long-term, plastic surgery can he considered the women-equivalent of it.

I have seen countless women on social media who I personally think are beautiful or at least okay, but who have been bullied by the new and unconventional beauty standards of millennials into getting things like Nose Jobs and BBLs to fit in.

Then there’s weight critics or bullies

This one also mostly applies to women, and can be seen in both good and bad light as the weight weight holds in evaluating beauty over the years hast gotten somewhat laughable. Normal-sized women stress over getting liposuction when they clearly don’t need it.

The baseline is that beauty is subjective. It’s okay to have your own opinion or standards. What is not okay is try to force it down other people’s throats. So even every critic I made in my argument above can be disregarded if it doesn’t fit YOUR standards or definition of beauty. Maybe Big Butts and and Sharply Pointed Noses or Fuck Me lips are what defines beauty. Maybe they’re not. My arguments are MY perspectives.

I believe this is why in beauty pageants, contestants are scored across multiple parameters, not just how they look. But even beyond that, I think why there are multiple judges on the pageant panel is so each judge’s subjective definition of beauty contributes to carve out a standard or average.

All images used here are from

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This guy 🤣🤣🤣
What’s fuck me lips?🤣


Beauty is found in someone's eye for someone. Its each standard is imperfect. Women with a lot of heavy and costly make up are just deceiving themselves because it is the only make up industry that is flourishing. Being Gym man, I don't believe on Steroids for personal body build. We can use many natural sources for beauty as well as for body build. Steroids as well as make up both have bad impact on our body.

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Accurate. Make up is a bit better cos the effect is sort of temporary and mostly reversible. But even then, it’s best to be cautious. Thanks for passing by, man. And for the curation:)


This unconventional beauty standards has stirred lots of emotions for people especially the ladies that they feel not okay about themselves and opt out to get artificial beauty when they should have appreciated themselves more. They only bring problems to themselves because these beauty products, plastic surgeries they do only become worse and destroy their bodies.


You are right my friend. Judges on beauty pageant panels therefore contribute to each judge's subjective definition of beauty creating a standard or average that determines beauty. Combining the beauty of all.


The use of makeup nowadays is disturbing. The funny thing is, they do it too much, thinking its nice but in reality, it's something else


Lol tell me about it. I can’t speak for mist guys, but for me, I see people forcing too much with make up and I’m just like nahhh, you don’t need all that.
