ecoTrain QOTW 9.6. "WHY IS IT SO HARD TO MEDITATE?" - A Case Study of Distractions When Meditating on the Bible

Greetings great minds on this #ecotrain. It's good to be amongst God's own people and I'll not take the previlege for granted.


This week's question is very important because it deals with the spiritual part of our existence and once that's not settled, we'll not have the right inspiration to achieve our goals.


Meditation is actually a spiritual act in all ramifications. This is because it deals with the body, soul and spirit in agreement. Immediately one agrees to meditate, the entire body comes together and work towards achieving the set goals.

Since, meditation is spiritual as I've explained above, I'll be looking at why it's very hard for believers to meditate on the word of God? And why they prefer some worldly things that'll profit them nothing rather than concentrate on the Bible which is the mind of God.

Why is it so hard for Christians to Meditate on the Word of God?

I'll attribute this to three things as stated in 1 John 2:16 that says "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world." I'll be taking x-raying the points identified from the scripture above.

  • Lust of the Flesh:
    The believer is constantly in battle with the lust around him or her. The world today is filled with several things that can bring distractions on the believer. One of them is the sexual drive that they have towards one another which leads to fornication. I'm not saying that a living human being shouldn't have sexual drive for the opposite sex. What I'm saying is that there are a lot of things that distract them such as nakedness of women around their environment. Today, decency is no longer the criteria for dressing. Many women dress naked to the street and once this happens the believer can't concentrate during his or her meditation time.


  • Lust of the Eyes
    The bible said that the eye is the window of the body, so whatever you see goes directly into the mind and breeds different thoughts within. It happens on a daily basis, for instance, there was a day that I listed after a beautiful lady and it went directly into my mind and the next day when I was having my meditation, the devil magnified the thought and I was distracted by what I saw the previous day.
  • Pride of Life
    Pride of life comes in when one has too many expectations about materialism. Once the expectations are not be actualized, the person can't meditate at all.

What Should a Believer do to Overcome Distractions?

  • Constantly study of the word of God. The bible says in Psalms that the word of God is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path. Once the word of God takes over your thoughts, you've automatically overcome distractions from the devil.
  • Quite all negative conversations. Negative conversations with unbelievers also causes distractions to a believer. The bible says do not be of equally yoked together with unbelievers.

Finally, I'll say that some people when they want to meditate on the word of God that's when sleep overtakes them. Make meditation an habit and deal with your distractions.
