What are some psychological tricks


Hello, my esteemed friends on cent platform how are you doing today hope you are having a great day and fun time too.

One thing about life is that a person will always have the habit banging his fist on the table hard when he is angry but he doesn't do that when there is flimsy glass table in front of him.



Sometimes a person always have the habit of throwing whatever is there in his hand when he is angry, but he may not also do that when there is $1500 brand new phone in his hand even when he has the habit of kicking something in front of him when he is probably angry.

The extension of this behavior is that we show anger only on people whom you might think are not stronger than you and who don't have the power to probably harm you back.

For instance, when a server is pouring you water and it spills on your shirt, you will shout at him but, when your boss is passing you coffee and it spills on your shirt you might not shout or probably you may even smile it's okay.

But with people whom you think are lower than you or whom you take for granted, you show it effortlessly.
Because you are clearly aware, they can't hit back at you or that they will come back to you irrespective of whatever you say during anger.


Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Greetings from @damsel001.
