Ladies of hive community contest #148/

Hello, ladies

Greetings my esteemed and wonderful ladies on hive, it's another beautiful day and week as well wishing you all a lovely Weekend.

1️⃣ Nowadays, some parents pass on to their kids the family responsibility after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your kids to shoulder burdens that are not supposed to be theirs? As a child, is it necessary for you to pay back your parents' laborious efforts even though it means you have to sacrifice your freedom?

Growing up as a child I have always observed this believes of most parents who would always tell their children to be more serious with their education so that as parents who have toiled so hard in training them would in turn reap the fruit of their labour.

It's just like someone running a race and then after so many seasons he or she begin to pass the Banting to another person to continue from where he or she must have stopped for another to continue which I haven't seen this to be a bad idea.

One of the things I have always note in life is that both parents can't always stay young and long forever because there's every tendency for somethings to take place and so that's why they would always advise their children to do positively in other for them to look responsible in life.


It is absolutely necessary to pay back to your parents the effort they both placed together in other to make you responsible and approachable in life. Actually doing all of these makes every parents to become fulfilled and having equal peace of mind.

Thanks for reading and also being able to share your amazing opinions on my content. Have a great weekend!!! Love you all plenty plenty.🤩😁🤩😊🤩😊😁🙈😚.
