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Words are threads that weave the fabric of our communication together.

Words don't die is not a mere statement but an acknowledgment of the impact and power of language in our lives and can transit across time and space.
I was trained so early to appreciate the impact of my words and I'm glad I embraced the training.

Words convey ideas, emotions and knowledge. Words can inspire action and raise emotions. They are like safes where memories are preserved.

Words have advantages when used correctly.

Words can connect people across cultures and languages. Bonds of friendship are formed with words. Whether through spoken words, written literature, or digital communication as we have on Hive, words facilitate the exchange of thoughts and emotions and breed empathy, teamwork and mutual respect.

Moreover, words have the power to educate, enlighten and empower individuals to maximize their full potential.
You can awaken a dying soul with your words. A hopeless man can dream of better days with words. Prayers are even in words. Words create pictures in one's mind and energize one to achieve what he's seen. Words also heal and inspire.

I learned to say what I want to see. It means I can create the life I want first with my words.

Furthermore, as words can serve as a tool for empowerment, they can also be used for manipulation. The language we use for ourselves can have a direct impact on our self-image. Words can invoke protest. Words are used for dragging others on social media. Words can break a promising relationship. Words can kill without necessarily shedding blood.

With the power that words wield, I'd believe that words can provoke world war, maybe it did cause one, I don't know.


Let me share a story my dad told me.

There was this woman in their village at that time. Let's call her Mira. Mira had a strange sickness. She was stooling and vomiting at the same time. Unfortunately, the distance from their village to the hospital in town would take hours on foot as vehicles only come once in a while. So Mira was encouraged to be calm. But Mira was not.

Dear Mira started with a funny question; "won't this sickness kill her?" A few hours later she answered the question with; "this sickness will kill her" contrary to the advice of those around her. Mira eventually died later in the evening. This is to further buttress the power of our words.

My question;
What do you want to see? See it first in your words.
You don't desire something good and speak contrary to it.

In an age where there's a proliferation of hate speech. It will be wise for us to know that words are powerful and the effect transcends generations.
We possess great power that we can use to build men and create the world that we want for ourselves.


This reminds me of ancient legends where words could create objects, for example, through words you materialize a car or a chair. I think words wield a power that we're not fully conscious of but still feel its impact one way or another. Positive words can be uplifting, and show us the better parts of life. Mira's story is remarkable!

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