ecoTrain QOTW #9.4: Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

I want to participate on ecotrain question of this week which is so interesting and in fact ecotrain this year presents us with excellent exciting topics.

Since the industrial revolution, we have started in a new era of the machine, in which the effort of the human factor has gradually decreased, until we have reached the era of technology, information and the Internet, and we have begun a new era of social media. And technology has become for every child, every girl and every old woman, represented by a mobile phone, a television, money, etc.

Over time, social relations began to be greatly affected by this technology, but has spirituality been affected, but before I answer that, let us remember what spirituality is, and I mentioned in my previous post about spirituality:
spirituality is a wonderful thing that transcends the human being and brings him to the highest levels of psychological peace with himself, so how will he be in a war with others.

I would add that spirituality needs the sublimity of the mind and spirit and needs calmness and exclusivity so that you can feel it at least before it becomes a part of your life.

Is spirituality affected by technology?

Indeed, spirituality has been affected somewhat by technology, but it has not eliminated it, because there are many elderly people who have witnessed the era of technology who are still clinging to their spirituality, and there are also some promising young people who find spirituality in the light of that.

But those whom I mentioned, no matter how much change occurs in the era, they will not be affected by that and will never give up their spirituality, so how will technology affect.

Technology is a means of luxury, but it wastes a lot of time, so it finds the minds of many people are always busy and they do not find time to elevate their soul. Perhaps if they go on a trip without any modern means of mobile phones or laptops, they will find themselves in a state of meditation and will live a wonderful atmosphere of spirituality.

Simply because spirituality needs an atmosphere free from disturbances and notices, so if you want to live a beautiful spiritual atmosphere, you must turn off the mobile phones and turn off even the electricity and enjoy with nature only and smell the smell of the clean air free of this noise.

And you, what do you think ?

Thank You


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