Weekly Writing Prompts by CineTV - #8

Authored by @thisismylife

Created in Canva Pro

Here's to 2023!

After a two week holiday break on my end, it's time to pick up the regular working schedule again. Although I have made sure that most days during these two weeks had a Tweet, there was nog blogging from my end on the CineTV account. But after some nice rest and family time during the past weeks, I'm here to get back into the workflow again.

First of all, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Eve! I hope 2023 will bring you a lot of happiness and that some of your dreams may come true this year.

The CineTV crew is here to stay and behind the scenes we are working hard to plan ahead and work towards having a thriving community on Hive but also onboard people to Hive along the way. We can only say that 2023 is looking great and that we are excited to start a new year together with the community.

Make new connections!

The first Tweet I want to share with you today is the one that is not really a writing prompt but yet one I'd like to share to remind everyone to actively onboard people they know to Hive. Although we are still quite unknown, more people will hopefully find their way to CineTV / Hive in the next year when the word gets out more. I know there are quite a few communities actively onboarding already but we need the word of the users of the platform out there too. The people still stuck on web2 social media should be made aware that we have a whole other world out here that they can join and if they are willing to work on their appearance, some earnings can be added as a bonus by the votes they receive. Nowadays it's much easier to earn some dollars than when I was new on the platform. Things are improving also thanks to the initiatives by @lovesniper from @ocd.

Just remember to not promise people a big bag of earnings but promise them new connections and like-minded people instead. The focus should be on the engagement, the rest is bonus.

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Cat writing prompt

With all the holiday content on the CineTV Twitter last weeks, I had to dig a little further and find old writing prompts to share here. Which is not a problem as these don't have an expiration date anyway. This one is a reminder to myself when we recently had a new furry cat friend in our home. Cat owners know what's up when I say it's never boring with a cat at home. We were just speaking about this in a discord server earlier today when I said my cat was climbing the Christmas tree without it falling over once and later one found my daughter's doll house very interesting. He managed to ring the doorbell of the house and then entered through a window on the side to take out some piece of furniture to play with. Although my daughter didn't fancy it, I was laughing out loud seeing it all happen. After all, he's just a (big) kitten.

There are plenty of movies with a cat in it or about cats, which one will you write about? Maybe the new Puss in Boots movie?

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Book to screen adaptations

Another oldie from August 2022, share your favorite book to screen adaptation(s). I know that there are books that I read and found the movie disappointing because of the missing details. There are exceptions though, I'm curious to find out which ones are the exception for you. Or maybe you only saw the movie and are curious to read the book after hearing that's even better. Let us know in a post to share your thoughts..

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That's it for this week, next week we are back to share another round of inspiration for your writings in the CineTV community. Make sure to follow our Twitter account and join our discord channel.

See you next week!


hola compre 1000 token de cine y lo puse en stake y no me dieron mi insignia de cinetv


the badge should be automatic as it is handled by a bot. i will check and see.
