

I've always been prepared, I always foresee things, not like a clairvoyant, but someone with spot-on instincts. The reason is that before I make any decision, I always weigh the pros and cons. I'm always organized, prepared, and adequately armed with solutions for any glitches that may occur. I don't just make a plan B, I make plans B, C, D, and E in addition to my plan A. Never to be caught off guard. I'm the most organized person you could ever come across, if you don't believe me, you can ask about me, lol.

Moving on, without adding flavor and too much sweetener, I have often been referred to as being meticulous. Oh! How my head swell, me and meticulous in the same sentence? I am doing something right. It was co, and sweet, and the compliments only made me go harder. I was financially stable, and my first son (the only child then) was doing okay in one of the most expensive schools in Oyo State, my finances? On a lock. What's more? I had a partner who adored the shit out of me, man, I was in a good place, the best place even. What could go wrong?

Maybe I shouldn't have wondered, life answered and switched up on me real quick. My partner and I made some bad investments and shit hit the roof.

I started right back from scratch last year with two kids and no support system, it was hard, it was painful, shit was mad tough and I was bordering on insanity. Maybe it's only me, but there's a certain way you feel when your kids need stuff and you can't provide it. I didn't have a job, nothing to fall back on except my store, and the goods in the store took a leave of absence a long time ago. I didn't even get the notification to that effect.

I always wondered how people got into depression, I finally got the answer when I found myself in that unfortunate situation. Anyways, I wasn't to be deterred, girl has always been a hustler, I bounced off my ass and got a job with a two-ma two- month old baby as part of the package.

Everyone has it hard I know, but talking about stuff is usually a good form of therapy. What's my point, though? It was in the face of my struggles that I realized people don't care. I made a nuisance out of myself in a few places, I broke the rules I had always lived by, my mantra, "avoid see finish" didn't matter to me anymore. I flung my pride out of the window and asked for help. I was in a bad place, and that period was humbling. No one owes anyone anything, right? It's true, it's what I believed too. I didn't grow up with a sense of entitlement cause I had never in my life asked a single soul for help. It's not pride, I was just the type that hated to hear the word, "no". Rather than ask for help, I will do my things my way. But then, rules are meant to be broken.

I've been on this epistle for quite some time, can I just get to the point already? I'm sorry people, the background was necessary to help you go with the flow.

The most valuable lesson I learned in the past year is that financial independence is the biggest flex ever. A few people turned up for me in terms of mini loans and of course, there's family. I don't take it for granted, it's cold outside and people don't show the basic human emotions to help others anymore.

A woman having her own money, and being financially independent rings a certain type of way, you won't be getting laid by every guy who wants to give you money, you can make your choice, you can call your shots, and above all, you can be your boss. I have a personal petty reason though, I have enough incentives to want to have my own money, the list is endless, but the major reason for me is so I can brag. To whom? (eyes rolling) who knows me? It's not just a feeling, I'm fairly confident that I'll be successful and I've been rehearsing my success speech in my head every day. You know how most people automatically judge a girl that she has loose morals and only a man could have sponsored her lifestyle? Well, I want mine to be different, I want to have the opportunity to say in front of an audience, "Put some fucking respect on my name, I earned bragging rights, I did this all alone with God by my side. The only sugar daddy in my life is Jesus and I didn't have to exchange stuff for favors if you know what I mean. (winks)."

I'm well on my way towards financial independence, I paid every single debt I owed in the past year, and this year, 2024 is the year where I'm going to be financially independent. Financial independence for me doesn't just mean paying my bills and surviving on little till the next money comes. Financial independence independence for me is, packing a bag and going on a vacation with my girls whenever we deem fit (Moneyed Women Gang). There's nothing like that yet, I'm just thinking out loud. It's the name of the female club I intend to chair. Financial independence to me means being able to pay your way out of whatever situation you end up in, and I mean as long as it involves money, not anything else. Say for instance a situation when you have to pay for your food unexpectedly at a hangout and so on. Financial independence for me is looking out of my window and seeing many trucks parked there. I'm partial to Tundra, I just love it.

I don't want to be in a situation where I won't be able to pick my tab because I'm expecting someone else to pay. I've never liked handouts, it's not pride, it's just my principle. This is the first month of the new year, and stuff has been looking positive so far. This year, I won't be reaching out to anyone for a loan, I'm going to do all I can to ensure the cycle does not repeat itself. Don't judge me please, but I want to do some mad, crazy things with money. I got the mad and crazy already, I could even recruit more, but the money is still playing hide and seek I'ma catch it soon though.

My New Year resolution is to go hard, harder, and harder till I hit it. I want to make some bullshit-stopping money. Nothing beats financial independence, it saves you from embarrassment and does your bidding. I'm not there yet, but like I said, I'm on my way.

My resolution this year is to make money and be completely debt-free. I won't be making a nuisance of myself to ask for anyone's help, life happens to all of us and mine is now. No point stressing other people, it's all man for himself.

I need to attain the level of financial independence I crave. I have two kids who look up to me every day for everything and I always have to deliver. My biggest fear has always been, what if my older son asks for something I can't afford? Thankfully, he hasn't done so far, I pull up for my kids both, whenever, wherever and I can't afford to fail.

Fortunately, I've got all the right tools, I'm going to write and type for clients till my fingers get stiff. I don't know any other way, it has to work. Go hard or go home right? Well, I don't have that luxury, I'd rather go hard. I'll just write as much as I can, get paid, and take closer steps to my goal. Sounds easy, right? No, it's not but no one said it's going to be. Did they?


I'd say becoming debt free is a huge step to being financial free and I like that you thought it wise to start again even after the bad investment situation.


Yay! 🤗
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You know it is okay to ask for help, I mean it then, many of us hate to ask for help because of the negative reply and attitude we would have at the end of the day. There is nothing as sweet as being financially independent and free from debt

I am to get there soon as a young lady, be able to go on vacation, order what I want, buy what I want without a shake about my bank account, and most especially single-handedly sponsor my kind of baby girl lifestyle and yeah get that "it is man doing that shit for her from people while I don't give a f about what they think.

I am sorry you had to go through those hard times in addition to carrying a baby, you are a strong woman and I hope everything works in your favour with God by your side.
