My top 4 favorite quotes of all time


some quotes are now part of me; I always remember them and they have been my guidance during the tough times.

The first on my list of favorite quotes is


Live the moment, tomorrow may never come

Life is a race, some have the devil's luck and started their own with a jet and this is for those who were born into a wealthy family, some started with a car and I will give this to those whose families are living comfortably, then some started their own race with their leg, this is used to represent to those who were born into poor homes.

Financial status does not determine who is going to reach the destination, death doesn't have regard for any status, and once your time is up, neither your family power nor wealth can save you.

We sleep and rely on the hope of waking up the next day, some people sleep and never wake up again, our life is a gift and can be taken from us at any moment without our consent.


How fast time ticks,; we were infants, and now we have passed through the stage of teenage to adulthood, not all of us who started the journey together are still alive, we have lost some to the cold hands of death but here we are still in that race of life hoping to keep surviving.

I remember the story of an old man who spent his youthful age in pursuit of wealth, he promised himself not to get married or have any child until he was wealthy, he worked so hard and after many years his dream of becoming wealthy was fulfilled, but he lost one thing, which was time, he has become an old man, while he was pursuing wealth, he forgot to enjoy life and now he has the money but no more strength to enjoy the wealth he amasses.

The story's moral is to enjoy the moment even as we pursue our dreams, we can't have it all! live life, love, have kids, and have a fun time with friends and family, let your days on earth be worthwhile.


Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday

The reason why many people are not progressing in life is that they are not willing to sacrifice at all, for example, some people we introduce to the hive platform will question you about how much they can earn daily for blogging on the platform and if you tell them the amount they can earn is not fixed and they need to work hard to earn something, some will give up immediately stating they do not want to stress themselves over nothing, some will try it but after two to four posts and they didn't earn anything tangible, they will also quit.

They forget it is not the same day you watered a crop that you will reap the harvest, I am not impressed with people who give up easily, success is not something that we see, it doesn't come immediately after we start something, it takes time, effort, dedication and a heart that is not willing to give up until he gets what it wants, every great person you see out there faced some challenges before they get to where they are.

The likes of Vickoly, merit.ahama, quduus1, nkemakonam89 and others are good examples of how as long as we don't give up, our good become better and better we surely change to best, we just need to keep moving! either slowly or with speed, let there be movement!


Don't wish for it, Make it happen

A man without a dream is a living corpse when he does not have something that motivates him to work hard or compete in life, it is kind of meaningless and the chance of being successful is thin.

Some people wish for things while some make it happen, I once told a story of how I wish I could play a game for a living, it was only a wish but it was someone's dream and he made it a reality by making play2earn games.

Wishing or dreaming about things doesn't suddenly make them happen, I was a dreamer, still a dreamer, and will always be a dreamer, the only difference between the burl of the past and the present burl is that, back in those days, I spend my day and night dreaming of the life I want without taking any actions but the present burl dream and work towards achieving it.

Stop wishing for things to happen, you have to make them happen by taking action, Do you want to become a millionaire? lay the foundation and start working towards it, Do you want to pass your examination with flying colors? stop wishing for it and start reading! A wish or dream without effort is meaningless.


Never let them know your weakness

In most betrayal cases I have heard, it is always someone close to the victim that hurt them, you put yourself in their hands by telling them your secrets and thus make yourself vulnerable.

There is nothing like telling the right person your secret because humans change, that person that means everything to you can change later due to certain reasons, and all that you have to tell them or they know about you can be used against you, this is the reason why we should love others and treat them right but never let people be so close to the extent that they will know in and out and just a single mistake from you would make them use all they know against you.

Always remember that, 1 bad deed or mistake from you erases your 99 good deeds, they won't remember all the good things you have done for them but that 1 bad thing or mistake you do will get stuck in their head and if they can have their way, they won't hesitate to hurt you! That is how evil people can be! so protect yourself by not letting people know your weakness.

Never let them know your next move, make your moves before announcing because you do not really know those who want to stop you from getting to the top, and letting them know is making it easy for them to place an obstacle.

Last but not least never reveal your alpha card! When things go bad and they think it is over for you, that is when the alpha card is played, you change the whole game and shock everyone.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


Thanks for sharing these inspirational quotes! They show lesson and our value about life.


Thank you for sharing these inspiring quotes! They offer valuable life lessons and motivation. "Live the moment, tomorrow may never come" is a reminder to cherish every day. "Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday" encourages persistence, and "Don't wish for it, Make it happen" emphasizes taking action. And finally, "Never let them know your weakness" provides valuable advice on protecting oneself. Great insights!


I will be back to give a full comment but take this one first lol


your quote just loaded, uhm nice one but there is a saying, prevention is better than cure, so it is better not to let them know


The four quotes you shared giving important message. But the first one inspire me very much. I think most of the time we forget to enjoy the present to make our future better when it's still unknown to us and we may not get the opportunity. It's better not to waste the present time.


many people fall in this category we should always take time to enjoy life as we are working hard to earn a living


Wow. These are my inspiration and motivational quotes that keeps me going. They represented our common heritage and mode of living. Thanks for reminding them to me in so special ways


All the quote seems is talking to me directly I must confess. Truly giving up is not an option, there is a tomorrow


we just need to keep moving! either slowly or with speed, let there be movement!

Hehehehehe let there be movement!

Hello @burlarj you have such an interesting personality and I love how you write. There's always something to take home from your posts, You are indeed a well of wisdom, , keep it up mate!!


People ruin others when they know their weaknesses
We should not show our weakness to anyone because they will still use it against us
Let's keep it to ourselves
Humans can be so wicked


yea humans can be evil, we should not be too close


Really powerful quotes about fundamental aspects of life. We ought to learn how to enjoy the journey and not be so fixated on the destination as tomorrow is really never guaranteed. I guess focusing on the process will also help in becoming persistent in the face of obstacles and challenges.


yea another dimension, we should learn to enjoy every phase of life and not overwork ourself and forget how to live in the process
