Long distance relationships never works for me!


I am someone who has been in a long-distance relationship and I can say it is not something designed for me because I am not a romantic person and this is one of the qualities that can make a distance relationship work.


In case you are wondering what I mean by I am not romantic


  • I am someone who does not like calling others and I do not like people calling me either unless it is an important call, it is okay to call me to ask a question or summon me online for a discussion, but calling me to check on me and spend long minutes on irrelevant talks, I am not in for it If I spend hours talking to someone on a phone call, it could be they needed someone to talk to about the way they feel or maybe business discussion,. xd

  • I am the kind of person that if someone calls me and probably am busy and promised to call them back, I will call back but hope they don't pick up so I can have evidence that I fulfilled my promise and it was the person that didn't pick, so I dislike calls.

  • This was an issue in all my relationships, My ex would always complain that I do not call, it is just who I am, I prefer texting all day to calling but some ladies just like to hear the voice of their man and I am not at home for that... This is one of the reasons why I think long distance relationship is not for me because the fuel in every relationship is communication, without communication, there is no relationship.*

Check ups

  • This is another bad habit of mine, I forget people easily, this could be because of my work since I devoted all my time to work and the little time I have is spent on watching films, sleeping or eating, this is another problem because ladies being emotional beings always wanted you to check up on them and if they are the only one doing it, they will get tired at a certain point, so this is another bone of contention that would create an issue for me in a long distant relationship.


  • Imagine not calling or talking to your partner for a whole day only to chat her up the next day or 2 days to ask how she is, this is something I can do and this could change the girl's feelings for you or make her see you as an unserious partner and the worst of it, she will direct her feelings to someone else who has her time which would result to cheating.

Long distance can be managed if it is just for a short time, like if your partner has something to do in another place far from you, that is understandable and it should not take too long.

Another reason why I do not like long-distance relationships is Trust

That partner you keep calling and texting might have someone being intimate with her wherever she is and you won't know, they might even be doing dangerous things while on a call with you and you will never know unless they want to be exposed, I have heard and seen so many shits that I now fear both genders and will never be fully committed to a relationship where I only see my partner once in a while because those times we don't see, I do not know what she has been up to, I can catch feelings but you see that trust? it is too expensive to give.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What if I say that you have not met someone who you really love with all your heart? If you really love someone, you’d totally forget about the fact that you don’t like to take calls
I’m serious…


I know the burning desires that come with falling in love with a new person and wanting to have a conversation with them all day but how long does that last before you become your old self? 3 months? max 6 months!


I totally get where you're coming from. Long-distance relationships need a lot of communication and trust, and if you're not into constant calls and updates, it can feel more like a burden than a relationship. So true


Every human are unique and in case of long distance relationship there are some advantages and disadvantages but it depends on the person. I am not so serious about the relationship but also feel long distance relationship is not for me.


it kills the joy of being in a relationship


I completely get where you're coming from. Long-distance relationships can be really tough, especially if you're not into long calls or constant communication. It gets difficult when your partner expects more than you can give. Maybe finding someone who shares your communication style would help!


you are right but what is the assurance they won't cheat on you because of the distance, what happen when they feel horny or probably have a very close friend wherever they are that could tempt them.. just not advisable


You're absolutely right to be concerned about trust in a long distance relationship. It's tough when distance separates you, and those feelings of loneliness and temptation can definitely creep in. It's crucial to have open and honest communication, but at the end of the day, it's about figuring out if the relationship is worth navigating those challenges.


Long distance relationship doesn't work for me either. I can easily get bored with your calls and SMS. And the one thing that keeps relationship is communication. Once there's no good communication, that relationship won't last.


yea, same here, i get irritated with too much calls and messages
