My Top Shots of 2023


With the year 2023 slowly coming to a close, you have no doubt seen or heard your fair share of countdown lists. Top songs of the year, top movies of the year, top events of the year. Well, since this will be one of my last posts of 2023, I thought I would go back and do a recap of some of my best photos of the year.

While not all of them may not be the best quality or composition, they all have a special meaning to me, and that is a big part of why I am choosing to share them with you here today. I think the hardest part of this post is going to be narrowing it down to enough photos that I don't overwhelm you.

As I go back and look at my account on Google Photos, it's pretty insane the sheer number of pictures I have taken in the past year. I can't find an easy way to count, but I would have to guess it numbers in the thousands.


This photo was taken back in January of 2023 and the main reason I am including it is because it might be the last of its kind. Not to worry, Jovi is alive and as well as she can be for a 14 year old dog, but she rarely has the strength to make it up onto the couch anymore. In addition to that, she doesn't really enjoy cuddling like she used to either.

It's been a long time since she was able to make it up into the bed to sleep with us, so rare moments like this are something I cherish. She struggles so much with making it outside to go to the bathroom anymore that I don't think I would want her sleeping in our bed anyway!


In late March, @mrsbozz and I made the drive down to Louisville, Kentucky for spring break. During that trip we got to visit the Maker's Mark distillery. The countryside around the facility is some of the prettiest I have ever seen. If you ever get a chance to visit central Kentucky, I highly recommend it. Even in early spring, the greens were vibrant and amazing.

You would actually have to try really hard to take a bad picture at any location on the grounds of Star Hill Farms where Maker's Mark is distilled.


I know this probably sounds funny, but I'm including this photo because this was probably the best taco I had all year. It was from a little place in Louisville called Merle's Whiskey Kitchen and it was a pulled pork taco with a jalapeno jelly cilantro and creme fresh. According to their menu it was award winning so I knew I had to try it.

It did not disappoint. I almost wish I had gotten three more of them.


In late spring I got to take in a local baseball game with @mrsbozz and some of our co-workers thanks to a grant she wrote to promote staff mental well-being. While the game itself wasn't that exciting, the fact that we got to hang out in a suite was. I think what made this even most special though was the fact that it was the culmination of a lot of hard work that my wife put in.

Her ultimate goal was to ensure that each staff member knew they were appreciated and were taking some time to relax in the midst of what has become an increasingly stressful profession.

I was proud to sit next to her and appreciate all she has accomplished.


Speaking of sports, I got to play a lot more disc golf this year than I have in the past. That's always a good thing. I have really come to love this sport even though I am not the best at it. I can hold my own and I am always looking to improve my game. I actually bought some new discs this year as well which I haven't done in a long time.


We also got to watch my nieces and nephews play sports this summer which is always fun. It's great to watch them grow and mature on the field/court/pitch. I couldn't be more proud of all of them.


Summer unofficially kicked off on Memorial weekend with my chance to check an item off my bucket list. I got to see George Strait live in concert and it was absolutely amazing. While not the flashiest or most produced concert I have ever been to, King George came out and did what he does best... Sing country music. It was a night to remember!


Besides the tacos, I had my fair share of great food this past year as well. This was a classic BLT sandwich that was placed between a glazed doughnut that was cut in half. Talk about an assault on your senses, it was sweet, savory, salty and everything in between.

Absolutely incredible!


I didn't have much of a garden this year, but the garlic that I tried to grow delivered me some nice scapes. I grilled them up and mixed them in with some potatoes and they were amazing!


I also got to have my first taste of some authentic Polish food and it was exceptional. Everything was so flavorful and not at all what I was expecting. The hunter's stew was my favorite.


Not to mention the delicious Great Lakes Whitefish that I got to indulge in on several occasions over the summer!



Our annual trip to the upper peninsula of Michigan brought us some amazing sunsets and awesome views from the top of a mountain. We got to share all of these memories with our nephew, so that made it extra special!


We also got to spend some special time with @mrsbozz's family at a lake house on the shores of Lake Huron.


@mrsbozz got a new car, that I proceeded to run into a deer with after only a month of having it.


@mrsbozz and I also got to enjoy our share of vitamin "sea" on one of our last camping trips of the summer. This was a prime camping spot and it was a stroke of absolute luck that we were able to score it.



Finally, you should all know quite well by now that we recently took a trip to Vermont for our 15th wedding anniversary. It was an amazing trip with all kinds of fun and excitement.


Believe it or not that's the end of 2023. I'm including one more shot of Jovi simply because we don't know how much more time she has with us. It could be two years, it could be two months, but she just has a way of making everything great.

I look forward to seeing what 2024 has to bring for us. I'm certain it will include more great food and awesome travels along with the everyday events that truly make life worth living.

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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0.00035762 BEE

I loved this post - I think its great that your picking the photos based on the best memories - plus I did have to laugh when I got to the taco shot !
Jovi certainly looks like cute pup - heres hoping her health continues as long as it can.
All the best for brining in the new year when it comes !

0.00036983 BEE

Thanks, It was really fun to go back and make this post. Too hard to pick just a handful of photos to use I hope you have a happy new year as well!

0E-8 BEE

I don’t know the one to pick between the third and fifth picture
They look very beautiful

0.00037206 BEE

Thank you!

0E-8 BEE

That sunset would be my favorite!

0.00037956 BEE

It was a pretty amazing evening. We got lucky the passing storm impacted the sky the way it did.

0.00015155 BEE

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0.00037909 BEE

Thank you!

0E-8 BEE

I love all the photos in your post. Seeing that the food is also very good, I also want to eat.

0.00037910 BEE

Thanks, I appreciate that. I have been known to take a good food photo!

0E-8 BEE

It has been a very successful 2023, I hope that 2024 will be as wonderful, Jovi reminds me of a little dog that was with us for 16 years, I miss her antics, they are part of the family.

0.00037883 BEE

I hope she makes it 16 years, that would be amazing. I hope you have a great 2024 as well. It's potentially going to be a crazy time, so hopefully we can all keep our wits about us!

0E-8 BEE


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0.00037876 BEE

Some great shots! I still need to hit the Maker's Mark distillery myself! Funny how fast the time flies by now, the older you get the faster goes!

0.00037868 BEE

Ain't that the truth! It's a really great spot. I haven't been to a ton of other ones, but the campus is just beautiful. Jack Daniels was pretty interesting as well down in Tennessee. We drove through the Jim Beam property as well. I have heard that Maker's still has the prettiest surroundings from someone that has been to several of them.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for sharing the highlights of your year with us. I pray you will have far more beautiful and memorable moments the coming year.

0.00037164 BEE

Thank you! I appreciate that!

0E-8 BEE

Such a wonderful complication
Feels like I could walk through the year with you

0.00037887 BEE

Thanks, I appreciate that!

0E-8 BEE

You’re welcome

0E-8 BEE

A year well traveled to say the least have enjoyed going along through the lens during this time.

Jovi looking gracefully older, our furry friends definitely make a huge impact on our lives, fourteen for a larger breed is an exceptionally good innings, that's what love does we always want more.

May the New Year bring more adventures to your door!

@tipu curate

0.00037842 BEE
0E-8 BEE

Thank you! I wish you the same as well! My heart is definitely swelling after writing this post. So much to love about this past year.

0E-8 BEE

I think everyone needs to brush up with some 'fairy dust' in positivity after the years we all encountered together.

0.00037453 BEE

Picture helps to bring back memories, all the pictures are nice with good memories. Jovi is actually old 14 years is not a joke, I wish her more years to live in good health.

0.00037057 BEE

Thank you, I appreciate that! She wags her tail in approval as well!

0E-8 BEE

You a quite a year, I am happy for you that you ended the year well. You made lots of wonderful memories this year. We look forward to more next year. Good work there.

0.00024360 BEE

Thank you, it was full of many blessings for sure!

0E-8 BEE