Women's College World Series winds down


After a full weekend of softball, we are down to just four teams now. By the end of the day today, the final two will be determined. With the exception of one or two games, it was actually a really close weekend for most of the teams.

My nieces team didn't have that great of a weekend. They started off on Saturday morning with a couple of losses before finally pulling out a win later in the day. Unfortunately, the weather on Sunday was pretty crumby again so they weren't able to get any of their bracket play games in.

I'm not really sure what happens with the prizes and things like that when they cancel an entire tournament. I'm going to have to ask my brother in law about that when I am down there this coming weekend.

@mrsbozz and I are taking a half day on Friday so we can drive down to Ohio and watch my niece play some softball this coming weekend. It's the same weekend as the Memorial gold tournament outside of Columbus, OH, so things are going to be pretty crazy in their neck of the woods.

As I posted last week, the Women's College World Series started on Thursday. We quickly saw UCLA beat Alabama, Oklahoma crushed Duke, Texas beat Stanford, and Florida squeaked past Oklahoma State.

On Friday, Alabama faced Duke and won that game knocking Duke out of the tournament. Which as much as I hate Duke is kind of sad. They had an exciting story with their program. This is only the second year they have been together as a team and the fact that they made it to the WCWS is pretty awesome.

They are also the only softball team in the NCAA that has a black female coach, so that is pretty impressive too. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of them in the future. They are working on building a good program there.

Also on Friday, Standford beat Oklahoma State to knock them out of the tournament.

Saturday was back to the winners bracket with Oklahoma beating UCLA 1 to 0, and Texas crushing Florida 10 to 0 in five innings.

Which led to Sunday's round of elimination games. Florida rolled past Alabama 6 to 4, and Stanford beat UCLA 3 to 1, knocking both of those teams out of the tournament respectively.

Now, today, we get to see Oklahoma take on Florida right around noon (as long as the weather holds). If Oklahoma wins, they advance, if Florida wins, they need to play another game since Oklahoma has zero losses so far and it is a double elimination tournament.

At 7 PM EST tonight, the number 1 seed Texas team faces off against Stanford. It's the same scenario for Stanford that it was for Florida. If they win, they have to play again at 9:30 PM EST. If they lose, they go home.

Personally, I'm expecting it will be an Oklahoma/Texas final. That just seems the most likely scenario at this point. It's not that unexpected given they are the #1 and #2 seeded teams either. We will have to wait for tomorrow to see how that pans out. Once those teams are determined, they play a best of three series to see who becomes the champion.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


One of the things I always don’t understand is the difference between Baseball and softball.

Anyway, go Texas!


Softball pitches underhand, baseball is overhand. Softball the bases are closer together. Softball they play 7 innings, baseball they play 9. That's really about it. Most of the other rules are the same.


Ok, so sounds a sort of easy (or needed less fatigue) version of Baseball.


Oh, the ball is bigger too. The pitching motion is less stressful on the body. You will see college softball pitchers pitch over 100 pitches in one game and then do it all over again the next day. That would never happen in baseball (or it shouldn't). Less fatigue is a better way of putting it. You should watch the videos of professional baseball players trying to hit some of the pitches these young ladies can throw. It's just dirty.
