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It's a pretty exciting time of year if you are into pretty much any sport. American football might be the one exception to everything else that is going on in the world right now. It won't be long though and summer training camps will be starting up soon.

If you're a basketball fan, the Boston Celtics clinched the championship the other night. If you are into the NHL, the fight for the Stanley Cup sees the Panthers with a 3 games to 1 edge over the Oilers.

Meanwhile, my wife and I looked at each other a bit incredulously when we realized the college baseball world series was still in session. Do you think it's kind of weird that the whole thing is called the NCAA Baseball Tournament, but when they get to the semifinals, that's when they start calling it the college world series?

I wonder how that makes all the other teams feel that made it to the tournament, but didn't make it to the world series? I guess they just need to try harder next time!

With Virginia and NC State Eliminated, we are down to Tennessee, Florida State, and North Carolina in one bracket and Florida, Kentucky, and Texas A&M in the other one. All teams have one loss in this double elimination stage except for Texas A&M and Tennessee, so we could be seeing a collision course with those two teams.

I haven't been watching much of the CWS, but I might need to tune in now to see how it all plays out.

If you live in a place where Cricket is popular, there is some big thing going on with that right now. Plus the Eurocup or whatever they call it for Soccer. I never really realized how much of a contact sport soccer was until I watched my friends son play at the high school level. Pretty brutal and it gave me a bit more respect for the game.

I see the other day that some guy from France ended up with a broken nose. That's no fun!

Finally, we are in the process of building up to the olympics now. It won't be long and we will be watching the opening ceremony and seeing all of the feats of strength and endurance on display. I am looking forward to watching some of the events. It's hard to believe it is right around the corner already. Before you know it we will be in the middle of Wimbledon too.

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced
