Ohio Lasers Scarlet Heat up Cleveland


The Ohio Lasers Scarlet team were playing at the Outlaws Summer Invitational Showcase outside of Cleveland, OH this past weekend, my wife and I were watching the action from the comfort of our campsite.

It's pretty amazing how technology has given us the opportunity to follow along even when we are hundreds of miles away. I remember a time when we simply had to get the final scores long after the games were over. Actually, that still happens from time to time when cellular signal is bad either at the field or our location.

I started taking my laptop with me the last couple of trips so we can have a larger screen to see all the action on. This coming weekend we have a number of side trips planned while we are camping, so we likely won't be able to catch the games in the same way.

As much as I love watching my nieces play softball, if real world stuff comes up, that always takes precedence.

The ladies started the tournament on Friday with a tough loss to an Indy Dreams team 9 to 6. It really should have been a win for them and it was some late game meltdowns that caused them the loss. They were able to bounce back and beat Indiana Irish 7 to 1.

On Saturday they had an early start with a 8:00 AM game against NY Diamond Girls. They scored a 6 to 3 win over that team and my niece was able to hit a home run. It was quite impressive.

Sadly, later that day they had a tough loss 4 to 3 against one of the Ohio Outlaws teams.

Bracket play started on Sunday and they got a bye in the first round. Their second round game was against the Grand Rapids Diamonds. It was a bit hard to cheer against a team from our home state, but the Scarlet team beat them quite handily 11 to 5. It actually should have been 11 to 1, but they had a rough patch of pitching in the last inning that made it look like the Diamonds might forge a comeback.

Sadly, their day ended shortly afterward when they fell to a Ohio Outlaws national team 7 to 0. We were chatting with my sister in law during the day and she said that it was extremely hot and officials were dropping left and right.

They actually cut the game length down from 80 minutes to 70 minutes at one point to try and keep the officials from overheating.

I'm not really sure how big of a deal 10 minutes is, but they seemed to think it would help.

Overall it was a good weekend for the ladies. I'd love to see them get a tournament win, but as long as they are having fun, that is the most important thing.

My niece has a long tournament this coming weekend before the lot of us head out to Colorado for the big Fourth of July showcase they are hosting.

I can't wait!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced
