Dared to dream


“Am I a fool for dreaming?” June asked Jane as her eyes got teary and her voice shaky.

“No, no, you are not girl,” Jane responded. Not wanting to say anything further, her lips tightened as she rubs her hand at the side of her neck.

“And what's with that face?” June questioned in a depressed, yet angry tone.

“Nothing, nothing at all”…. Jane responded and then continued, “but it's just that sometimes you dream too big and when you fall, you fall really hard. I mean, the politics in the fashion world is way beyond you, there are millions of designers gunning for what you are aiming for, some has been in the game way longer than you have June”.

“Well, I had high hopes this time around. I mean, everything was in place. I crossed my i's and dotted my t's…. Wait! What the hell am I even saying??? Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” June yelled at herself as she let out a frustrating scream.

“Shhhhhhhh, it's ok, it's alright you'll get it right the next trial. Just lay on my laps, ok?” Jane consoled June as she stretched forth her hands to reach out to her.

“I just want my designs to go through, I don't care how, but it should, I know my work is good.” June muttered as she rested her head on Jane's lap.

“It will be ok, best believe…” Jane reassured her, as she stroked through her blond locs.

The next day at June's office, the atmosphere was tensed as June was blowing steam. She kept yelling at her designers and cancelling all their designs.

At a point, some designers were dropping their tools and walking away from the job as June became a tyrant.

Austin her personal assistant had called in sick, he had to take cover because when June gets like this, he's worse hit.

Knowing that June's designs got cancelled again by the hierarchy in charge of fashion worldwide, Austin anticipated the office to be hell, and he would rather not be a victim of June's fury.

But then, his escape was cut short as Margret HR called him in to schedule job vacancies for the available positions. They had a deadline to meet designing and making clothes for the season.

“Hmmmm…. So you mean the Jezebel came and, as expected, was venting her frustration out on the designers?” Austin asked as he got on the phone with Margaret.

“If you were at work today, Austin I'm sure you would have quit too. Her eyes were fire, and I have never seen her that way in all my years working with her.”

“Her eyes should just fire within her because my pepper body is not good. Ah, ah…. What is it? Is it our fault her designs are considered inferior based on world standards?" Austin questioned, tapping his right feet and shaking his left legs.

“But Austin you and I know Madam designs bang, it's one of a kind and I still can't place it why the International fashion body won't endorse it and make her the next big thing in the fashion world.”

Mimicking Margaret, “Madam's design bang….” He continued, “Ok now, go and endorse it. Please send me the available Job positions, before you make me talk.”

"You do know that I'm sick and working from home today right?” Austin questioned.

“Austin now, I need you here please”

“You need who? I just told you I'm unwell, I'm contagious and not fit to come to work”. Austin fired.

“You and I know you are lying, but no problem, I'll stop by after work.” They concluded and the call ended.

At the close of work, Margaret was rushing out to meet with Austin, she had in her hand a catalog of June's designs that got cancelled. As she was rushing to trash in it in the main dumpster at the alley, she bumped into a man holding a cup of hot coffee and some spilled on her.

In response to the burn, she dropped all she was holding on the floor and groaned in pain while she looked at how much damage the hot coffee has done to her outfit.

“I am so sorry Miss,” the man apologized.

“Hey, watch where you are going to next time, ok? I would have gotten more hurt than this.” Margret responded harshly.

The man was taking aback by Margaret's utterances, and thus he responded, “but you were also not watching, please accept my apologies and stop apportioning blames.”

“You have some nerves, Mr.” Margret fired back as she reached out to get her things on the floor.

The man, not wanting things to get ugly, turned to take his leave, but then he paused, as he noticed June's designs lying on the floor.

“Can I take a look at that?” The man requested politely as he bent down to pick up the designs.

“Wow! You designed this?” The man questioned as his eyes widened.

“No, my boss did. It's no good, and I'm meant to trash it before you bumped into me” Margret responded, moving her head and neck simultaneously as she raised her brows and curved her lips.

The man finding Margaret amusing chuckled and then responded, “Ok I apologize for bumping into you Miss, but I can't allow you to trash this, this is world-class and never in my life have I seen designs these beautiful.”

“Well, the hierarchy doesn't think that way,” Margaret responded in low spirit

“We'd see about that, I'd take these designs and here's my card, tell your boss to give me a call me”.

As the man walked away, Margaret took a look at the card and read out the man's name with so much confusion.

It became a battle of self within her as she questioned, “could this be the same Mr. Oliver? World-class famous designer? Best in the game and patron of the hierarchy? Naaah.... it can't be, must be someone else.” Margret concluded as she put the card in her bag and headed out to Austin's.

The next day, at the office, Margaret approached June and told her all about Mr. Oliver.

They were both in doubt, and June was skeptical about calling. The thing is, nobody has ever seen Mr. Oliver, not even the paparazzi could get a close range on how he looks like. More so, the fact that she has always known Margret to not be tricky and always have her best interest at heart, made her accept the card.

“I mean, there's no harm in calling.” Margaret said to June.

“You are right, did he tell you a specific time I can call?” June inquired.

“No, Ma'am, he just said to give him a call.”

“Ok, how about I call him now?”

“That will also be fine, Madam.” Margaret answered with a smile.

The phone beeped once and Mr. Oliver picked.

“Ha! Miss June, the talented designer or little Miss Sassy pant I bumped into the other day?”

“How did you know my name?” June questioned as her eyes shun.

“Well, I have a caller ID on my phone. So which is it?”

June chuckled and responded, “the talented designer.”

“Brilliant!” Mr. Oliver exclaimed.

He continued, “so what is it going to be, do you still want to trash your masterpiece or become the next big thing in fashion.”

June was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears, is she actually talking to the Mr. Oliver?

“Hello?” Mr. Oliver called out to get her attention as the line went silent.

“Yes. Yes. I am here, and I want to be the next thing big thing in fashion” June responded in excitement as her hands got shaky and sweaty.

“Beautiful, I live for Milan first thing tomorrow morning. If you'd care to join me, the time is 9:00am, don't be late, and do well to bring your finished designs”.

As the line disconnected, June didn't know how to react, she just grabbed Margaret and showered her with plenty of kisses.

The call was on speaker, so Margaret just about is aware of everything. June called out to Austin and asked him to call Jane, she also asked him to organize a little sit out so they could celebrate.

Austin was still lost as to what's going on and when Margaret gave him the gist as they walked out of June's office, he faked faint and Margaret just walked away laughing, knowing how dramatic Austin could be.

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Fashion is fickle! Some see beauty where others do not. If our talents are not recognised and appreciated where we are at, it may be time to move on! June almost gave up. Fortunately she had the right support staff around her to ensure that her perseverance and self-belief endured. This piece would have benefited from an in depth edit to identify and correct for spelling mistakes, punctuation, and grammar issues. Simple mistakes like calling Margaret, Margret, and switching between the two throughout, can have an adverse impact on your reader's attention span, and therefore enjoyment of the piece. Also watch out for issues with mixed tenses :-)

Thank you for sharing a story with The ink Well.

0E-8 BEE

Noted. Thank you too 🙂

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Thank you 🙏🏿

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you buzzy 🤝🏾

0E-8 BEE

Keep up the fantastic work @bipolar95! Your dedication and hard work will pay off when you reach your target.

0E-8 BEE

I loved the story ❤. It is always so good when there is a sudden turnaround for good.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you dreemer 🥰

0E-8 BEE

Aww this was a beautiful read ❤️. Sometimes things can change for our good at the last minute.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for reading me dear 😌

0.00010744 BEE

This was quite nice. Lovely story ✨

0E-8 BEE

Thank you Seki 😌

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