Leo Threads set to dramatically boost engagement on Hive



The introduction of threads to the Leo community looks set to dramatically boost the amount of engagement and interactions within the Hive community. The best part is that users are free to discuss pretty much every topic, so everyone can get involved.

Despite being a short content creation platform, I have a feeling that Threads will stretch the capacity of the Hive blockchain. These simple interactions on the blockchain are garnering numbers, and draining a lot of resource credit through the process.

The way I see it, the creation of threads will dramatically increase the amount of activity on Hive and as we all know, the network effect is very important in website rankings. As far as the internet rankings are concerned, there's really no difference between our comments and main publications on hive, so being able to literally pump over 2000 posts through comments in a matter of hours bodes well for the community.

What are threads?

Threads are basically comments on the hive blockchain. However, when viewed through the Thread front-end on Leofinance you get the immersive experience of a short content-sharing platform. The best part is that these posts will no longer be popping up in your feeds when you want to view long-form content.

The way I see it, the concept of thread is building a community within a community where people can share information with each other without the need to actually blog about it.

The best part is that your threads are still monetized in pretty much the same way any other comment on Hive is monetised. You will be able to seamlessly earn Hive, HBD, and Leo tokens from the likes you receive in your thread.

I know it might be a formality but I'd like to add that you don't need to create a separate account to use thread. Your current hive account has access in pretty much the same way you can comment on any publication on the network.

It is also important to note that this web-based approach to sharing threads is only temporary. In the near future, it will move to mobile and I think that's when the real addiction/adoption will begin. For now, we're just helping by beta testing while shitposting our way to riches.

RC is about to feel the heat


One lowkey benefit that hive will gain from threads is the incentive of powering up Hive for more RC to fuel their thread addiction.

New users of threads/Hive will realise the importance of staking their hive for the curation benefit and the fact that their Hive doesn't necessarily deplete means that using threads will still seem free because it technically is since your RC recharges over time.

I'm generally just pleased by the way the community has responded to the addition of threads and I believe that we will be seeing even more use in the near future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love that "yeet the child" meme and I love the threads but they are sooo chaotic right now lol.

We shouldn't be able to see everyone's threads, only the people we follow but I guess that's harder to code than it sounds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Have we seen any examples of people complaining about a lack of RCs yet?

Is there a system in place for either the leo.voter or the community to help out?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No one has but the meme though
