Crypto content creators don't always deserve your compassion when they get banned



I ran into another publication about a web 3 platform being built on AVAX. Big respect to the writers at Cointelegraph for using such an interesting title for the publication but in reality, this was just an opportunity to shill a project.

In any case, I like the idea behind the project that was being shilled. The idea is the very same reason we are all on Hive and trying to pave the way for more people to move their social activities into a platform that allows true ownership.

The publication talked about how Facebook and Twitter will eventually become obsolete. I like the idea but I seriously doubt we'll be seeing that any time soon.

The public is still very attached to the massive communities that reside on these platforms. Normies are attached to these platforms and to some extent, activities on these platforms are somehow connected to people's self-worth.

Crypto bros not down with the plan

To make matters worse, even the crypto people with communities on web 3 platforms don't have any interest in building on web 3. There's a strong connection to what they've built on web 2 and letting go is almost impossible.

One thing that I guess popular web 2 people fear is that there will not be sensationalism on Web 3 and they also don't get any special treatment. On web 3, there's real ownership and all that copy pasta shit they do on Twitter to generate views won't fly on web 3 platforms.

Even the ones that share original content are afraid of letting go of the web 2 persona. Many of them know the reality but they rather live on the edge than evolve into the next phase of the internet.

No more compassion

Take the example of the Crypto news guy that got banned from Youtube recently. After all the fuss about it and getting compassion from the Web 3 community, he just went straight back to Youtube and only published twice on Hive.

Here's the crazy part, all his previous videos were deleted, and he's started from zero on Youtube. He's just going about it as if nothing happened and that's basically how all the crypto bros behave.

I understand that there's a bigger audience on Youtube but if you're someone with a voice and believe in the movement, you'd use your platform to grow 3speak numbers.

What rattles me the most about everything is not the fact that he continued using Youtube. It is the fact that he used 3Speak only to complain about being banned and once he got reinstated, he totally stopped using 3Speak.

It's not about Hive, Hive promotion or anything like that. I just can't wrap my head around why people are still so comfortable with staying and subtly promoting a platform that could kick you out on a whim.

In any case, I've decided that I'll not be wasting my compassion on people who get banned from web 2 platforms. From time to time, I'll drop the #hivefixesthis tag but nothing else beyond that.

Most crypto creators know that Hive exists and some of them have Web 3 social media accounts that they don't use. They're waiting for the red carpet to be rolled out before they move over. Keep waiting.

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I lost a Twitter account of 11K followers and now I only use one for specific reasons. I don't post there. I closed my FB account about 7 years ago... waste of time...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't use anymore Facebook for a while but I like YouTube because if fast, convenient, and free.



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Omar Bham a.k.a. Crypto deleted his first Youtube account in what he later described as "manic episode" resulting acting erratically and irrationally, ending as vagabond on street and breaking up with his long term girlfriend. When he got himself together, it turned out that he couldn't restore the account and had to start new one from the scratch. His old video recordings are still available on Odysee.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


i agree, very based view of it all!


I even had to go and watch his two videos. He's comfortable with starting afresh on YouTube and not here on a decentralized system where he has full control over his data. I stand with you. We shouldn't be wasting our compassion on them.

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