Tribute to the ancestors - A trip to the village - Part Eighteen - The lost world of flowering succulents.


A small cemetery on the edge of the world was a place where people from the city occasionally traveled to look after the graves of their relatives a then they left and did not return there for several years hoping that what they planted around the grave would not grow too quickly.

But what people plan and what actually happens are completely different things.

We were convinced of this when we visited such a small cemetery where my wife's ancestors are buried.

At that time vegetation was rampant there after prolonged rains and it was difficult to decide what to pay attention to and what to skip past there would not be enough time for everything.

My son and I began to look for something that is of particular interest which was unusual and eye-catching.

Succulents which grew everywhere crawled out of the territory of the cemetery were one of such objects.

There were a huge number of them but three species that bloomed and they bloomed very rapidly attracted special attention.


I must admit that I am a little indifferent to rosary or succulents and am not an expert who can easily determine the type of succulent but I tried it and I admit that I could be wrong.


I guess this succulent is Sempervivum tectorum or Rejuvenated Roofing they say that this plant can protect against lightning strike if placed on the roof of the house a very dubious and unsafe claim I do not advise you to risk and hope what if you put it in your pocket then lightning will not be able to overtake you in open space during a thunderstorm.


I could not determine the type of this rosette its five-pointed yellow flowers look very pretty.


In this case the plant guide gives a bunch of options but none of them accurately indicate a plant that exactly matches what I see in the photograph.


I can only say one thing for sure this flower is beautiful!


I don’t know what this big ant was doing here I didn’t see a camera with him but apparently it’s enough for him to see a beautiful flower and remember it for the rest of his life.

To be continued!


Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.


More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!


Camera:Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300
Author:Author @barski. For my publications, I do not use stock photos, it is fundamentally important for me to use for publication photos that I have taken with my own hands, and I can call them - author's works.


Such a beautiful flower I do not see any day. I came to know about this beautiful flower in this post of yours. Very good post.


Thank you very much for your wonderful comment. It was the first time I saw such a flower on a succulent, I was very surprised by its beauty.
