Recap 2023 - Hive is my major investment basket

They say we shouldn't be putting all the eggs in the same basket. But for me, the last year has been a wonderful year where I invested a lot of time and money into Hive and have increased my Hive holdings. I must admit that setting a goal for myself and working on that goal helped me a lot and made me push more towards my goal. That's one of the primary reasons why I was able to complete most of my goals.

I have made some investments both from my real world and also from the crypto projects. All my investments are currently only inside Hive. If the ecosystem crashes for some reason, my entire crypto assets would sink and all my effort in the last 6 years would be gone. Hopefully, nothing like that would happen.

The above chart shows the power-ups that I have done on Hive so far. I have been continuously investing in Hive. I'm trying to power up all my earnings here and at the same time I'm also bringing some funds from the real world too.

My goals for the year

As we are nearing the end of the year, I was curious to see how I'm performing on Hive and wanted to check some old data on my account. I started taking a look at some of my old articles and old memories. It looks like I had 3 primary goals for this year and I had written about it 10 months back. It is very nice to read all these old articles and understand how I felt back then. I would like to break down those goals and currently check their status.

100k Hive

This was my primary goal for the year and I'm still very close to completing this goal. I thought it would be easy to complete this goal but only when I started going, did I realize that it was not that easy I'm very close and maybe not before the end of the year but in a month or two after the year is over, I should be able to complete this goal for sure. After I complete this goal, I will start having some plans for the next year. Until then this goal is still on.

10k HBD

HBD savings is also one of the important investments in Hive. The main reason is that no other cryptocurrency or stable coin provides 20% APR on the chain. Many blockchains started with a 20% APR but gradually they have started reducing the percentage HBD is still doing very well and we can see that even during bear markets the peg value is also staying strong and I was able to see the coin stay at 1$ or close to it most of the time.

I started very well with this goal but I could not proceed with the goal and something made me feel that Hive would be a better investment compared to HBD. So I started focusing on completing my Hive goal. I would start with this goal when I'm done with the Hive goal next year. It would be awesome if I could somehow make 100k HBD in savings. This is not an easy value but with hard work anything is possible.

100k SPS

This is one of the goals I could complete in just 6 months. Maybe I should have planned a bigger number but I would be happy to see the price of SPS going back to how it was during the launch. It is quite a greed to ask for a 1$ price of SPS but nobody can predict the crypto markets and there is a high possibility that it can go back to 1$ if everything goes well. Let's see.

If you like what I'm doing on Hive, you can vote me as a witness with the links below.

Vote @balaz as a Hive Witness

Vote @kanibot as a Hive Engine Witness

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Wow thats really amazing your power up during 2022, Im close to my first year next January and hopefully within 5 years meaning close to next bull market I could get to 100k HP, so far Im not into other platforms within Hive, since Im starting my focus is only on Hive, on 2024 I want to stay more active, irl stuff and work usually gets me off track and Im not sure how to deal with it to stay consistent on Hive 🧐


If you are consistent, persistent and determined you will be able to see a consistent growth on Hive.

It did not see such a growth in my first year and all. It took me some time to grow and now it is consistent and I also post everyday.

Real life will always be busy and that's a good thing and we have to find time for Hive. You should try and explore other earning opportunities on Hive and that's what will help you grow faster. Some games are good to explore. But good to focus on growing Hive power.


So far I haven't been interested on anything else than Hive itself since most other projects to me feel like a race for APR and that most of the time doesn't end well but now I'm getting some interest on Inleo with their Add revenue offer so might start stacking up some Leo with fiat


INLEO is good to explore. With the new Ads revenue, I'm sure they can easily revive back the token price. Let's see. 🙂


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You have really grown so fast and I am hoping that one day I will get there also. So much hive power


Thanks it was not just a one year goal after all.


Well this example is very popular here but if we wisely invest money and time in a good and strong project then after some time we will definitely get profit as before. The year has also happened.


Though I was able to stack some hive but I will be hoping I can do more this year. But let's see how next year goes


You have performed really well it's so good to have plan then pursue them, by next year I will also look back and be happy like this.


congrats. i also started to focus a bit more on hive on 2023. I hope it will worth all efforts. even if I only have 2 years on this blockchain with the main account.


Yeah that's definitely good. I kept Hive as my primary focus and also had other small investments outside but Hive has always been my focus. That definitely helps. Wish you good luck. Cheers!
