Pain makes you strong

When we were kids, we were mostly protected by our parents and family. They take care to the extent that we don't even get to harm ourselves due to ignorance. As we grow up, we continue to get such thing and it is a good thing because we have always had someone who would take care of us. Many people grow up with nobody to take care of them. These people are the ones who start to see pain in their life at a very early stage.

It doesn't mean that other people don't see pain at all in their life. Maybe people who are protected well by their family and family members see the pain at a later point in time. I always think that pain makes us very strong. The more pain we see mentally in life will make us strong. I'm not talking about physical pain here. If you ask people who go to the Gym regularly, they will tell you how pain makes them strong by giving them muscles.


Parents who don't give pains to their children

Pampering is the term used to describe the fact that parents care too much for their children and make sure they don't experience any pain in their life. Not all parents are like that but maybe parents who have seen bad things in their life since childhood want their kids to live without all those experiences. But nature's order is in such a way that everyone will have to go through the experiences at some point. Some parents help in inducing natural pain in their children for them to get experienced.

Parents who let natural pain happen to their children

Some parents don't give too much pampering to their kids. They want their kids to be fully free exploring both good and bad things. Some parents take an additional step and induce some pain whenever it is required. This way they are ready for bigger pains and also they know how to handle such things in their life. Imagine us losing our parents when we are very young or at the age when we need them the most. But when we become very old and our parents are older than us, we are okay to let them go because we are matured enough to understand that at one point we have to accept it.


Parents provide additional opportunities for more pain

Some parents are good in pampering too much and this can end up very bad. This is where people grow up as a leader. Too much pampering is not good for the child's growth. They grow up adamant and not flexible. Both good as well as bad have to be taught to the kids. This way they grow up very well and they will teach that to others. Sometimes based on the character of the kid, it can be hard to teach good and bad but we shouldn't support them for growing bad and we have to keep insisting on the good things as our duty. Even during the early days if they are hesitant to understand that, as they grow up old, they might realize it at one point and at least guide their kids.

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We can’t runaway from pain in our lives but we have to make sure that it does not overshadow or joy or happiness. Also, the more you go through pain, the more you get stronger
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


Namaste 🙏 bro, I like the excellent example of Gym for pain and gain. Protection makes weak and weak day by day. Kids need freedom to explore themselves.


It is a fact that when we deal with difficulties and problems in life, we learn a lot which makes us much stronger.
