First leo power up day of the year



One of my goals for the new year was to grow my hive-engine tokens, and one of the tokens I had in mind when I made that statement was the leo token. I have known about the leo community since I joined hive, back then it was known as leofinance. Though I must admit I haven't been particularly involved in the community for too long, I was mostly in and out back then. Mainly because the community was focused on finance related content, and that's not my niche. I did write a couple of finance content then, but I couldn't stay consistent at that.


Recently though, the leofinance community has grown a lot. They have reduced their focus on just finance related content, and are slowly becoming an all inclusive community, especially with the launch of Leo threads.

Participating in the Zealy campaign towards the end of the year opened my eyes to a lot of things about the Inleo community, and slowly I have realized becoming a part of it wouldn't be so hard for me. This is the reason I am now focusing on also growing my leo stake.

Today is the 15th day of the month, and every 15th day of the month is Leo power up day. I plan to participate in leo power up days from now on throughout the year. This month I powered up 150 leo tokens.


This takes my total leo stake from 1,069 to 1,219 leo tokens. I'm not even sure what the tiers are at the moment, but I think Cub is at least 2k. I'll be getting to the cub level very soon, I can feel it. That was my goal for the year, but it seems it may be too easy. Let's see what happens though.

I also plan to try and keep up with what is going on in the ecosystem. Though I must admit it's a bit hard with some of the stuff I have going on offline, but maybe attending one or two leo shows from now on won't be too bad.


I genuinely think that the Inleo community, though have had some shortcomings in the past (haven't we all), is moving in the right direction, and who knows could actually be big catalysts towards hive's mainstream adoption. I'd like to be a part of that, so I'm trying to get invested in the community.



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations to you for participating in the First LPUD of the year. I also have done mine.
