Cross Stitch Series - 3/3 | Nude


Third of Three

Should I mark this as NSFW? Ahhmm, I seriously don't think so. You can just stop scrolling up to the very bottom of the post if you are not comfortable seeing a beautiful lady I spent weeks on, many years ago. Seriously, there's really nothing NSFW here. XD

I am talking about my third (and last) completed cross-stitch project. I have shared the other two here earlier -- where I transitioned from a very simple to a big and complicated project.

Focus Challenge: My Very First Cross-Stitch Project - The Cherub
Lady on a Horse : Cross Stitch Series II


The project is entitled, Nude. If I remember correctly, it is also part of a series, but I only made this one. I thought it was simple enough for me to complete in a short span of time.

It is a big one, 18"x24", but with mostly just half cross stitches and lots of blanks. The canvas cloth is black and the threads are from dark blue to white.



She is a lady sitting confidently in the dark with a silhouette effect around her. The form of the woman is the part where the cross stitches are, while the rest are half stitches.

This project, like the other two was done around 2000/2001. Ahh, I love how much time I had back then. LOL.

Working on this, I was conflicted on which part I would do first -- should I do the lady first and complete the figure first and foremost, and then the background later? But that could make me become too lazy to complete it after all. Just doing blocks of half stitches without seeing anything take shape, that's too monotonous, eh?


Anyway, over 20 years later, how I finished this one is a bit blurry. What matters is that I completed it and it is now hanging at my parents' home.

It's a bit tricky getting this photographed because I keep on getting glares and reflections. I am so proud of these handiworks. All three of them. From someone who could barely finish a stitching project in my elementary days, I got these three big projects completed.


Thanks, Needlework community for giving a home to these three. ❤️

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