I don't know what happened but I noticed just few months ago that my girls lost a substantial amount of their hair. So i tried to figure out what went wrong and in the course of my investigation I found out the cause of the problem.

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I discovered that i was not actually giving their hair a breathing space. I am always getting their hair weaved and sometimes almost the same day they lose the old weaves and this habit of mine made the hair to become weak thus started experiencing breakage. And to remedy this situation, i have to change from the bad hair habit to a good hair habit.

I started since last month and today during hair wash I discovered a very tremendous result. The hair is now back, fuller and most especially no hair breakage again.

There are few steps that I deployed to arrive at this amazing result and they include washing their hair with rice water. Rice water is the water gotten after boiling rice. It is starchy and it contains many vitamins like amino acid, vitamin B,vitamin E and also antioxidants. Research shows that rice water helps to make hair grow stronger, longer, make hair smoother and also shiner.

My children love eating rice especially on Sundays thus the reason why I wash their hairs on Sunday because there will always be rice water available.

The second step I deployed is to wash their hair with warm water. After washing first with rice water which ofcourse is warm, I will use warm water to raise off the remaining shampoo and conditioner. Warm water helps to get rid of dirt easily. It also stimulates the flow of blood which makes the hair to grow healthier.

The third step is to use good hair products on their hair. Just like we eat good food to nourish our body and apply cream to our body to hydrate dry skin so also does the hair need good hair products to keep them hydrated and healthy.

The fourth is that I gave their hair a huge breathing space. I switched from that mum that was always rushing to make my girl's hair to that mum that will leave their hair to catch a little air for atleast two days before thinking of visiting the stylist for a new weave.

Today is another hair wash session and I will show you how I creatively washed and packed my children's hair before heading to church.


I used rice water on the hair first to get it ready for washing. Then I applied a generous amount of shampoo. I preferred menthorated shampoo even though the girls hated it because it will keep the hair off from any hair bug or insect.



After washing off the shampoo,I put in the conditioner. It has a coconut flavour and the girls love the scent. I wash off after two minutes with the rice water and also warm water.


We left the bathroom to the bedroom to complete the other part of the hair care routine. First to go in was the leave-conditioner. After applying a generous amount, I dried the hair with a hair dryer.



Once the hair is all dried, I went in with other hair care products.






The edges is one of the most important part of the hair and having bad edges is a nightmare for every woman. I have seen people miss out on making really nice hair do or cut because they have bad edges. So to protect my girls edges and also make sure they grow healthy I have a special hair edges cream for them. It was specially recommended when I complained to their hair stylist about how they lost some substantial amount of their edges after a particular hair do.


I have to look for a creative way to pack the hair for church service. Ofcourse delivered well and was able to give them a good look.




It's inspiring to see how dedicated you are to your girls' hair health.

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Wow, that is a whole lot of tip you just shared on this post prior to hair maintenance, it's really important to give attention to our hair because it occupied about 40 percent of our whole face which means it is what people see the most when they look at us.
Look at those kids all looking good and posing with gestures after receiving a nice treat😁


Ofcourse, a healthy hair is paramount for a healthy living.


Wow... You need to see the way I was smiling and nodding my head while reading each paragraph of this post. Haha.

I'm someone that takes very good care of my hair and I pay very special attention to the treatment I give my hair. The moment you mention the rice water treatment, I smiled from ear-to-ear because I discovered this treatment last month and I've already used it. I used it just once and I used shampoo to wash it off before finally washing my hair with a conditioner. Haha.

It's awesome.

Your babies are shinning oooo. When will they start modeling? Haha


That's awesome. I am happy that you have discovered the wonders of rice water. It's always good to take are of our hair.

We are starting small small in our modeling business 🤣🤣
